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On the day before Napoleon got crowned...

England went crazy over the theatrical debut of a 13 year-old kid! His name was William Henry West Betty. People fainted at the performance, fought for seats on opening night...


Diarists didn't even mention Nappy's Coronation. Sometimes facts are way weirder than fiction... image
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)


  • Funny story and funny medal! I suppose actors have to be very young to create that kind of fuss today.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00
  • AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    Zanyness is not a modern phenomenon, is it? image

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
  • elvernoelverno Posts: 1,068
    What amazed me was that the watercolorist and diarist Joseph Farington went on for pages about how he and his friends jockeyed for opening night seats and how the big stars of the day had to deal with this kid stealing their thunder. He played adult parts and apparently when he first walked on stage people would laugh because he was too short for his leading ladies! Though he was thirteen, he probably didn't mind... image
    You want how much?!!
    (Last update 3/6/2007)
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