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Stickers on Holders

I figured I would poll my fellow registry brethren on an issue which I'm beginning to notice more frequently. Today, I received a card from an auction I recently won on eBay. When I opened up the package, I was quite displeased to see a large sticker on the front of the card. I wouldn't have minded so much if the seller had used one of those "no residue" type, which can be easily peeled off, leaving no trace. However, I started pulling up one corner and noticed it was going to leave a big mess, right in the middle of the holder.

Two questions...

1. Why do sellers do this, knowing full well it's going to be a pain to take off, not to mention scratching up the holder?

2. Is there any easy way to take this glue residue off without completely destroying the holder any further?


  • MantlefanMantlefan Posts: 1,079 ✭✭
    Yes, one of my pet peeves also. Don't know why they do it. Best cleaning method is gentle soap and water.

    Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
  • Yup. Me too. I get these frequently. I don't know what would motivate a seller to do this. How about a Post-it? Those work if you are pricing an item in a shop. What I hate worse is sellers who tape slabs to the packaging. I've even received them duct taped to cardboard!

    I use Goo-Gone to remove the residue. You can buy it at your local -Mart store (or whatever you have locally).

  • nail polish remover works
    Vintage Baseball Cards
    Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
    Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
  • try a product called un-du.

    Try a hair dryer on low heat... Works like a charm..image

    I LOVE FANCY CURRENCY, pretty girls, Disney Dollars, pretty girls, MPC's, ..did I mention pretty girls???


  • Thanks to help from others on the Board as I had the same problem with graded cards I bought, I also use Goo Gone (you can get it at most major hardware stores). It works great.
    Joe Tauriello
    Setbuilders Sports Cards
    Ebay: set-builders & set-builders2
  • I use hard liquor.

    Then to remove the sticker, I would go with any of the other methods discussed above.

    1965 Topps
    1975 Topps
    1952 Topps
  • achteyachtey Posts: 304 ✭✭✭
    I also hate this. Just got one today and I had to spend the next 10 minutes just removing crap off the holder. hmmm....wise up sellers.

    The world meets no one half way. If you want it you have to go get it.
  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭✭
    sellerman23: best response that I've heard in awhile. My first good laugh of the day at 6:11 AM. Thank you!!
  • baseballjeffbaseballjeff Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭
    I hate that too! I just recently got a great Killabrew for the set I am working on at the darn seller taped all over the PSA case applying bubble wrap around it with a big price tag sticker on it. Argh!!! Lighter fluid works great to clean up the goop. Just drip a few drips on the paper and wipe it quickly with a paper towel. Works wonderfully!

  • JasP24JasP24 Posts: 4,645 ✭✭✭
    Goo-gone is the safest bet...And as long as you don't have to SCRUB to get it off, it will even remove stickers from the backside of the old style PSA cases without removing the "PSA" stamp that used to adorn the OUTSIDE of the slab...

    I'm here to question, not to inspire or build up. To live how I want, as I see fit,
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  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    Virtual - if you think that's bad, I had an ebay seller duct tape cards in Card Saver II holders to the cardboard. image

    2 serial #ed basketball rookies: $1.98
    shipping and handling: 2.00
    wasting 15 minutes of your life to get the tape peeled off in strips so you don't crease the cards: priceless

    Reap the whirlwind.

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