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PCGS Guarantee

mrcommemmrcommem Posts: 1,180 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a an MS70 coin submitted for regrade currently at your service. The coin has fingerprints on the edges and as I understand your grading, a fingerprinted coin cannot grade MS70. What will happen when the graders see this coin? If it is given an MS69 grade when regraded, what is the compensation given since the coin downgraded? And lastly, how do you determine the monetary compensation if it is awarded.? Let's chose a MS70 Jackie Robinson gold half eagle as an example.

By the way, thanks David for taking your time to answer some of the difficult questions we present you.


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    If we regrade a coin in guarantee submission lower than the submitted grade we give the submitter the option of either selling us the coin at current market value or receiving a check for the difference in the market value between the new and old grade. We define market value as current wholesale value, i.e. what a dealer would ask another dealer for the coin. It's basically replacement value.

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