What is the free submission for the quarter?

in Q & A Forum
David, some people have posted what they believe to be the free quarterly submission on the forums. This is very confusing to me. What is the coin for free submission this quarter??....Thanks in advance, Ken
Here it is as it was sent to me.
Collectors Club members can send in any coin that celebrates the 100th anniversary of something for free certification by PCGS. This offer is good from October 1 through December 31, 2003. All you have to pay for is the postage. What coins qualify? The Alabama commem, the Arkansas commem (to name a couple of the many commems) and even the 1909 Lincoln cent (the 100th anniversary of Honest Abe's birth). Each coin (you're limited to one, of course) will be graded and authenticated through the Regular Service, which takes 15 business days.
I can see where this could be a little confusing. If you are unsure your coin qualifies, please contact customer service and they can do a little research and get you the answer regarding your specific coin.