Business strike or Proof...

Which do you prefer, and why. Or maybe you don't have a reason, it's just a collecting preference. This isn't a right or wrong question.
Although I collect both, I prefer business strikes. There's something about holding a coin that's been in circulation, wondering who's held it and where it's been. The same can be said for proof coins, except they don't get to see the sites like the business strikes do.
Also a business strike in high grade, regardless of color, say MS67 and 100 years old or more, had to have been taken care of to keep it in it's current condition. The same can be said for proof coins. But their purpose was for collectors. Therefore "most of them" were intentionally taken care of. At least a good many of them were.
Although I collect both, I prefer business strikes. There's something about holding a coin that's been in circulation, wondering who's held it and where it's been. The same can be said for proof coins, except they don't get to see the sites like the business strikes do.
Also a business strike in high grade, regardless of color, say MS67 and 100 years old or more, had to have been taken care of to keep it in it's current condition. The same can be said for proof coins. But their purpose was for collectors. Therefore "most of them" were intentionally taken care of. At least a good many of them were.

There is a lot to be said of lustrous Mint State coins. I really appreciate an untouched MS coin with thick skin. So my tastes are pretty broad.
But I do like original tissue toned cameo proofs, too!
If you seen one proof you pretty much have seen them all. With the bussiness strikes there is the whole gambit. Everything from P-O1 to MS70 is possible. It is nice to see what happens to coins as they go through there cycle of use.
SMS coins are neat, too. You can find an occational cameo on the 1965 to 1967. And, the new SMS coins have a look all their own.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
MS Buffalo
MS 1951
more an acquired taste than proofs but can be stunning if one learns to appreciate
it. Somehow an uncirculated piece gains credence just because it could or should
have circulated, and the fact that most of its brethren actually did circulate. In fact,
the higher the improbability that it remained pristine the better its appearance.
Proofs are great to see what the coin is supposed to look like and business strikes
are great to see what actually circulated and was used in commerce.
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I love the Deep Cameo contrast.
But I do like original tissue toned cameo proofs, too!
I think tradedollarnut says it very well.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!
I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!
If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??