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Upper Deck Auto Redemptions?

How long does it usually take for a UD auto to get redeemed? I'm expecting a 2001 Vintage Signatures Jeff Blake Redemption - how long would it take? Any input would be great - thanks!


  • pends on when you redeemed it...by mail it takes forever...most stuff takes 3-6 months to get ..UD redemptions are horrible for wait time...the online redemptions are gettin better..most of mine have come in 1 month or so from fulfillment start....but it took 9 months for me to get my kobe auto cuz they only send them out once a year which was summer and turned it in on november and got it in july image
  • short version- LONG time- and you're lucky if you get THE actual auto you're supposed to get. it's been awhile (2+ years) since i've redeemed anything through UD, but back then it was fairly quick. lately, i've heard horror stories. also, read the back of the card to see when they actually SHIP- i.e., on ud inspirations redemptions, it's some insane time like 12 weeks AFTER the season starts...but people don't read that and get all pissy when they have to wait
  • I was afraid of that but I guess I'll just have to do it.
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