"No Qualifiers" on submission form

I have noticed several threads stating that you can mark “no qualifiers” on a submission form and the PSA graders will, instead of add a qualifier, lower the grade down to the grade that accepts that particular defect. I have not seen this technique written anywhere in PSA’s literature. Does PSA sanction this and does it have any effect on the guy doing the grading? I would not like to hack off the guy doing the grading by bucking the system or asking for something above and beyond the scope of the service. But, that said, I personally hate qualifiers on my cards and would rather have the lower grade. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I've written no qualifiers on almost all of my invoices and PSA will normally honor that. Only once did they ignore it and give me qualifiers. I'm like you in that I would rather have the lower grade also.
Are you planning on upgrading your 74 set now that you're at 100% or are you moving on to other sets?
I always write "NO QUALIFIERS" on my submission forms. However, PSA missed it once or twice with me as well. All I did was call Customer Service when my grades posted online, and they held back the shipment and regraded the cards with the NQ standard.
Footnote: Not every PSA 9 (Q) = a PSA 7 (NQ)...it could = a PSA 8 (NQ)
I'll try that next time. I think that all of mine were 8's with qualifiers so it wasn't that important to me. 8oc or 8st has about the same value as a 6 or 7 in the sets i collect ($0).
Yes I am in the process of upgrading my baseball set a little bit. I'm not going to go all out and try for cards of your caliber, but I would like to see the Carlos D. Aponte set in my rear view mirror so to speak. I'm working on completing all 4 1974 Topps sports (Football, Hockey Baseball and Basketball). I also have a soft spot for the 1965 Topps Football ( my birth year). I love those oversized cards.
Congrats on your average 9.0 on your set. That is truely an unbelivable accomplishment! I know how hard it has been just to get all PSA 8's. I really don't know how you did it.
Thanks to all for the great advice as usual. I'll start writing the " no qualifiers" on my forms and hopefully I will have the same result.
Trying to knock me off the front page I see
Good luck with your set.
Since I own a lot of the cards on from your old set (I bought Luxury's set), I figured I owed it to you to keep those cards up there in the top five. I wouldn't want them to feel neglected or under appreciated! The only problem are those 3 or 4 guys all around me. Some really tough competition. Bunch of great guys lovin' the '74s.