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hello all, im back USMC, what all did i miss?

its been 3 months, the longest 3 months of my life. but it was fun. boot camp wasnt as bad as i thought but at times it really freaking sucked. well enough about that, what all did i miss? i got about 50 emails from people, havent had time to read them all, but ill reply back to any of you that wrote asap.
WFFL, calikev/aka kr580(2), baird34(2), gmot(several), yanyak5(2), echoboy(3),kobecollector(2), burress, akbarclone, samsgirl214, NickM, Bottom9th, lanemyer85,
nbasteve, kbryant1(2), derrick, threebearfan, dkiger, earlhamman, RUTH

buying/trading for
barry sanders i dont have
any nfl players that played for wisconsin (troy vincent, chambers, sorgi, dayne, etc)


  • u were gone? lol... havent even seen ya here once..


    REFS: cardnyou, TrFstPtch, Itsjustme, Judgement, QyntelWoods24, RANDYMOSS84, Viking, netfan5, kobefan

    My Card Trading Site CLICK HERE
  • do the math smart guy. he was gone for 3 months, you joined in july and he left in july. anyways welcome back man!!!

    my web site


  • Just wondering where you went to boot camp, P>I> or Hollywood? Anyhow, as someone who went through parris island i can appreciate the heat of the summer. Bring any sand fleas back for show?
  • i had boot camp at MCRD(marine corps recruit depot) san diego california. we spent 8 weeks there and 4 weeks at camp pendleton hiking the mountains and all that fun stuff. no sand fleas there, but there is no grass, just dirt, and there is a LOT more hills than at paris island. i wonder what their version of the reeper is image), that hill sucked.
    WFFL, calikev/aka kr580(2), baird34(2), gmot(several), yanyak5(2), echoboy(3),kobecollector(2), burress, akbarclone, samsgirl214, NickM, Bottom9th, lanemyer85,
    nbasteve, kbryant1(2), derrick, threebearfan, dkiger, earlhamman, RUTH

    buying/trading for
    barry sanders i dont have
    any nfl players that played for wisconsin (troy vincent, chambers, sorgi, dayne, etc)
  • LOL gohalos, I just noticed that.. I've actually been here since early 02' I just had a Account change image Kornboy was the same guy that posted our aim convo were I called him a little boy.. wow the truth hurts..

    Member since August 2001 (Ballaboveall)


    Aim- TreLeung
    Email - *Click*
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