1966 SMS no "FG" Kennedy?

I would like to pose a question for fellow board members. I just bought a 1966 SMS Kennedy. On the reverse it's VERY hard to see the FG under the wing unless you tilt the coin and see a little of the "G" only. Using a jeweler's loop, you can see most of the "G" but it's very faint. You can only make out a little of the top of the "F" if tilted. Is this what they call the "no FG" Kennedy? I've never seen one and wondered if this is how they present themselves or is the FG totally gone and can't be seen even with a jeweler's loop? Thanks in advance! Ray
You only live life once, enjoy it like it's your last day. It just MIGHT be!

There are several stages of the variety, "A" through "E", with A showing slight abrading of the initials and with E they're completely gone. It sounds like you have a Stage C, maybe D, which does not bring the same premiums as a Stage E. I believe, but am not sure, that the coin has to be D or E for NGC to designate it on the holder as FS-013.9 (cherry picker number).
Now, all of that is if you have DMR-4. This is the die marriage that is normally considered for the "no FG" variety. There is also a DMR-33 which is found with most of the initials abraded away and is actually scarcer than DMR-4.
The above is a DMR-33.
Russ, NCNE
In the James Wiles book, page 164, under a description of DMR-33 ADR-002 appear a picture very close of the Ray's information.
Take a look and check if is the case.
Can anyone tell me what one of these is worth? I have had a "no FG"
specimen since I bought one in 1970. Thanks!
Image sent by e-mail.
I have been recently getting into the series and when I was younger (in the late 70's/early 80's) I used to accumulate all the bicentennial Ikes, Kennedies and Washingtons that I could find. I vaguely remember having one or two of each but not sure as in the late 80's/early 90's, I used most of the lesser quality ones in the slot machines in Atlantic City.
Appreciate the info.
I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!
I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!
If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
In the James Wilies book have no mention related at these errors.
Just for "D" mint some coins have the Die Break on Reverse over ERI of AMERICA, where 1/3 of letters was smashed.
It's a UVC-105, DMR-33 ADR-002
Description: "F"of the designer's initial abraded away
Stage A : EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B : MDS (uncorfirmed)
The only mention about value is for raw coin in MS65 = $50,00
Probably Russ can add more information.