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FOOTBALL PACK BUST! LIVE! Some basketball...

5 2003 Press Pass Packs
4 Fleer Authentix
2 Flair
2 Topps Chrome

2 UD Victory Basketball

Opened up a topps chrome first...Can't beat this!
Billy McMullen Rookie Refractor 42/100! Eagles...NICE!


  • 2nd pack seemed open a lil at the top image
    Oh well
    Transactions Terry Glen
    and Rookie Talman Gardner :-D FSU!
  • Opened up one of the flairs...Tom Brady Franchise Favorites Insert...blah , lol
  • second pack of flair, Franchise Favorite Tim Brown...lol ok
  • Nice pull on the McMullen...
  • Opened up the press pass...lol
    2 brad banks Big #'s Insert.
    Byron Leftwich paydirt...and some other inserts...Talman Gardner and brett williams cards image. DOes anyone know if gardner is still with the saints?
  • pack searchers can go to hell!
    I just found out at the top of each of my authentix where already opened! GRRRRRRRRR!
    i got some ticket studs emmit smith folded up...UHHHHHG!
    2 basketball packs remaining and then im going to hang myself
  • Last packs Ndubi ebi Rookie Orientation...and some tinsley insert...im not feeling well now and have to go lay down...Uhg wheres that clown pckeeper...id like 2 officially kick the crap out of him for searching packs even tho he didnt search the ones i got.
  • nice pulls... congrats


    REFS: cardnyou, TrFstPtch, Itsjustme, Judgement, QyntelWoods24, RANDYMOSS84, Viking, netfan5, kobefan

    My Card Trading Site CLICK HERE
  • I Guess the mcmullen makes up for it? BV anyone?
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