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I am not breaking up my 72 Kellogg's ATG Registry set

I'm getting some mail asking if I'm breaking up my #1 set. No. My set remains in tact. These 12 cards (ten PSA 9's and two PSA 10's) are from a recent PSA submission. I'ts 12 of the 15 cards. EBAY listing

Strong buyer of 1970 Kelloggs Football & 1971 Kelloggs Baseball and Football. Please help me find cards!
I have a few hundred extra PSA graded 1971 Kellogg's cards. E-mail for price list. Looking for 1970 Topps Supers in PSA 9 too.


  • Is the 72 set harder/easier than the 1970 Rold Gold set from which it is reprinted? I find the SMR prices for the 72 set quite high.

    Looking for:
    Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
    High grade Redskins (pre 1980)
  • It's long been thought that the 72 ATG set was easier to find. However, there seemed to be a hoard of Rold Gold unleased on the market about a year ago (as I recall, one guy had 30 sets he was trying to sell). So, I'm not sure. SMR might be a tad high on the ATG's. However, e-bay prices for those cards has been all over the place.
    Strong buyer of 1970 Kelloggs Football & 1971 Kelloggs Baseball and Football. Please help me find cards!
    I have a few hundred extra PSA graded 1971 Kellogg's cards. E-mail for price list. Looking for 1970 Topps Supers in PSA 9 too.
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