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º*º My Wantlist º*º

ANY Amos Zereoue Cards I Don't Have...
ANY Avon Cobourne Cards I Don't Have...
ANY Ken Dorsey Cards I Don't Have...

Also, as many of the following card(s) as I can get:
1988 West Virginia #11 Don Nehlen
1990 West Virginia Program Cards #28 Don Nehlen
1991 West Virginia ATG #47 Don Nehlen
1993 West Virginia #48 Don Nehlen
2003 Leaf Certified Materials #178 Brian St.Pierre JSY {#ed/1250}

Only trading at this time...

Amos Zereoue ('99 RC - Steelers/Raiders)
Avon Cobourne ('03 RC - Lions)
Quincy Wilson ('04 RC - Falcons)


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