Are you upgrading?

Just wondering how many people are upgraders or just buy the best from the word go. Having finished the coppers 09-58 the quality (poor) and prices (nuclear) are all over the place. As I have started to work on other series and I have been more along the line of "buy it once" this time around. Unless its a bargin to fill a hole you need to eventually move it out via ebay or other venue, tying up other funds. Any thoughts?
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
<< <i>Spooly, you done building your new house? Haven't seen you around as of late.... >>
NO! Word of advice....... JUST BUY A HOUSE! Having a custom house built is a pain in the @ZZ!
I sure do miss spending time coin collecting!
Never fails..... I spend 12 months looking for the right coin..... find it! Buy it! The next month I will find 2 more that are even better! It's either feast or famine when looking for really nice large cents. Upgrades are just apart of collecting.
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
$$$$$$$$ limits me!!!!!!
If you are seriuosly collecting a series, and even have unlimited sums (which I don't), you will still likely upgrade, and probably more often than you think. It never ceases to amaze me that for some coins that seem even after looking for 14 years or so do exist, even in the same grade, better than the one I have in my set, or have seen, but did not have the funds to buy, that fantasy coin shows up for sale.
In many cases, people do not have unlimited funds to buy coins for their set when opportunities arise to purchase coins they'd like to buy, therir are insufiecinet funds to buy the best or at least a higher grade coin than one can aford at the time, so one settles on a lower grade coin that is within their means. Often at a later date thaey have the funds and opportuity to buy a better coin, and hence upgrade.
I've actively looked at some upgrades, but can't afford both. As the set gets closer to 100%,
I get more selective. Less upgrades later, I hope! ( Just 70% complete now)
"38-64 Jeffferson Circ. Strike Full Steps"
Boston Bob
I started out with particular coins in mind, but have now found myself "filling holes" with coins I know I will upgrade. Hopefully, this won't be a waste of time and money.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
Just today a new 28D was purchased and will replace a coin with the same grade. The look of the new coin was liked a little better. Now for me its not so much the upgrade deal but the better look deal as seen from my eyes.
You're right. Eye appeal is king. I've bought many a coin in the same grade b/c it was nicer than mine.... and have never regreted it.