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#2 AllTime 1962 FB set For sale

It breaks my heart to put this baby up for sale. This is one of the tuffests sets to build in high grade due to the black boarders, all the short prints and over half the set has low pop's. I'm looking to sell it complete.

The break down goes 75% in PSA 8 and 25% in PSA 7. This is one of the best ever put togather. You can view the set under Tagatz's 62.

If you have any questions don't be affraid to ask.

You can email me at paulorruth@msn.com


  • Paul,

    I'm sorry to see that you're selling the set. Good luck. I'm sure someone here will be interested.

  • AlanAllenAlanAllen Posts: 1,530 ✭✭✭
    Oh man, I would absolutely love to have that set. Would you take a late model Toyota for the set and a nice bicycle? image Seriously, good luck in selling it, I'm sure you'll get some real offers.

    No such details will spoil my plans...
  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    Great job on that set. Very tough. I am having trouble just finding decent Packers from that year.

    Loves me some shiny!
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  • shouldabeena10shouldabeena10 Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭

    I truely wish I had the $$ to buy it. By far one of the toughest sets to build. I started it about a year ago and got out shortly thereafter.... because you 62 guys were relentless. I still keep them on my favorites list and try to snatch a PSA 8 every now and then (at a decent price), but it's almost impossible. I wish you much luck in selling it.... but I'm sure you'll get some great offers!

    "Vintage Football Cards" A private Facebook Group of 4000 members, for vintage football card trading, sales & auctions. https://facebook.com/groups/vintagefootball/
  • SMR is just over 9K. What is the asking price on this baby?
  • Bingo33

    SMR is so far off on this set it's not even funny.

    I know for a fact you can't build this set in high grade for SMR. Look up all the low pop's and you'll see most are already in other sets. Look at what dealers are charging if they have any 62's in stock, most are charging 2-5X SMR. Most 8's on ebay are bring strong prices. The prices superior getting is even higher.

    Price is a bit more than what SMR is for a complete 8 set, I'm looking to break even. This is one of those sets you'll never go wrong on.

    If you want to make an offer send me email at paulorruth@msn.com
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