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Contest! FREE giveaway! Win some Wayte Raymond album pages!!!

RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
I have these six Wayte Raymond album pages for Lincoln Cents that I don't want. Bought the album just to get the cover for my Two Cent pieces. The pages run from 1924-S through 1963-D with some extra unmarked spots. All pages have the slides.

Here's the contest:

I currently own 75 PCGS graded examples of the Accented Hair Kennedy Half. The first person to guess the exact grade breakdown wins the pages. Just kidding! That would take for friggin' ever. So, I'll make it simple.

The first person to guess how many of these are graded PR66 wins. image

One guess per person, and edited posts will be disqualified.

Russ, NCNE


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