Adding Low Grades to Online PCGS Population Report

in Q & A Forum
Have you considered adding all grades below VG to the online PCGS population report? This information would be very useful, especially for rare coins. I think that many people incorrrectly assume that the totals include all grades.
Have you considered adding all grades below VG to the online PCGS population report? This information would be very useful, especially for rare coins. I think that many people incorrrectly assume that the totals include all grades.
Author of MrKelso's official cheat thread words of wisdom on 5/30/04. 

Check out a Vanguard Roth IRA.

Check out a Vanguard Roth IRA.
I think this is something we need to do eventually and we will do it eventually. It is not a trival programming task, but I agree with you that it should be done.