DMPL Cameos

in Q & A Forum
I may have already asked this, but I'll ask again anyways. As you are aware on DMPL Morgans, the vast majority usually have some cameo contrast depending on the date, but very, very few have full ultra deep mirrors with B&W contrast. For the few and far between that do, they generally trade at a substantial premium just like many early proof coins which are designated either a CAM or DCAM.
I believe that PCGS should recognize those very desirable heavily cameoed DMPL Morgans and designate them as such on the holder in the future with either a CAM or DCAM designation. What do you think?
I may have already asked this, but I'll ask again anyways. As you are aware on DMPL Morgans, the vast majority usually have some cameo contrast depending on the date, but very, very few have full ultra deep mirrors with B&W contrast. For the few and far between that do, they generally trade at a substantial premium just like many early proof coins which are designated either a CAM or DCAM.
I believe that PCGS should recognize those very desirable heavily cameoed DMPL Morgans and designate them as such on the holder in the future with either a CAM or DCAM designation. What do you think?