Tag line spam

Let me open by saying this thread exists because I have a legitimate question and not to ruffle feathers. However...
Dude just started a thread in the last day or two reminding everyone as to why the Buy, Sell, and Trade board exists. And let it be said that while it doesn't bother me much, I agree there is already an established place for such items. At the same time, I did find it ironic that while I was reading that thread, Dude was advertising his current Ebay lineup via a tagline note, which of course appears on each and every thread he's posted.
Now, I like Dude as much as I like anyone on here, and I think he's forthright when discussing things and generally great for this board, but to me, what's the difference between starting threads about what's for sale this week from any given seller, and stating what's for sale this week in a tag line that might appear several times in a single thread, or in several different threads? It's still right there, on the PSA Set Registry board. And there's a link to it too.
I feel I should point out that unless it's pretty egregious, dropping everyone a note that a large amount of Registry worthy cards are now available is just fine, but many do not. And maybe I'm way off and everyone considers tag line advertising is just fine as far as BBS etiquette goes, but I see absolutely no difference between one or the other. Can someone explain to me why one is OK while the other isn't? There's no animosity here, I'd just like an explanation.
And even Dude would appreciate the irony involved in advertising one's current Ebay lineup in a post that tactfully chides others for doing the same, albeit in a different manner.
***Edited for a clarification***
Dude just started a thread in the last day or two reminding everyone as to why the Buy, Sell, and Trade board exists. And let it be said that while it doesn't bother me much, I agree there is already an established place for such items. At the same time, I did find it ironic that while I was reading that thread, Dude was advertising his current Ebay lineup via a tagline note, which of course appears on each and every thread he's posted.
Now, I like Dude as much as I like anyone on here, and I think he's forthright when discussing things and generally great for this board, but to me, what's the difference between starting threads about what's for sale this week from any given seller, and stating what's for sale this week in a tag line that might appear several times in a single thread, or in several different threads? It's still right there, on the PSA Set Registry board. And there's a link to it too.
I feel I should point out that unless it's pretty egregious, dropping everyone a note that a large amount of Registry worthy cards are now available is just fine, but many do not. And maybe I'm way off and everyone considers tag line advertising is just fine as far as BBS etiquette goes, but I see absolutely no difference between one or the other. Can someone explain to me why one is OK while the other isn't? There's no animosity here, I'd just like an explanation.
And even Dude would appreciate the irony involved in advertising one's current Ebay lineup in a post that tactfully chides others for doing the same, albeit in a different manner.

***Edited for a clarification***
I thought about your question and honestly came up with "I don't know". But... I'm leaning towards agreeing with Stump insomuch as its not an "in your face" thread forcing its attention on me by being at the top of the board. To click on the link is my choice.
Also, I never realized that he had it in his tag line (its probably in others as well). I've glossed over it each and every time I've read a post.
Good question.
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
I feel I should point out that unless it's pretty egregious, dropping everyone a note that a large amount of Registry worthy cards are now available is just fine, but many do not. And maybe I'm way off and everyone considers tag line advertising is just fine as far as BBS etiquette goes, but I see absolutely no difference between one or the other. Can someone explain to me why one is OK while the other isn't? There's no animosity here, I'd just like an explanation.
Actually, I'm glad we are discussing this. First, I'd don't think there are official rules in place for exactly what belongs on the Registry Forum and what doesn't. Perhaps there should be a detailed written charter for every Forum. This is the only thing that I'm aware of:
For discussions about PSA registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them.
But even this is ambiguous. Does this mean we can discuss how to buy and sell or does it mean we turn this Board into a flea market for buying and selling?
Historically, threads about selling or buying just a few cards have been pulled from this Forum and were moved to the Vintage Buy Sell and Trade by the Moderator (just like they were yesterday).
Now, to answer the question about a thread being started regarding buying or selling graded cards versus what you put in your Signiture Line, I believe there is a HUGE difference. For one, a thread takes up space on the front page which is limited to 40 or so threads. If everyone posted a thread about what they have for sale and what they needed, any topic about collecting would probably be pushed off the front page within an hour or even a matter of minutes. When a topic goes to the next page, it's pretty much dead and forgotten. Also, from a pragmatic standpoint, and especially when using a modem, there is a huge time difference between opening up threads versus looking at Signiture Lines. Also, a Sig Line is limited to 250 characters. You can use it for just about anything you wish. Some use it for political topics, others for Bible verses, some for patriotic mottos, others mention pain and suffering threats
I would certainly welcome any clarification by the Moderator or Administrators, but this has been the way things have operated around here for quite a while.
I will be away all day and will check back in the evening.
For someone to post their list of sale items as an individual post violates the spirit of this board. That is why the vintage B/S/T board came into being, as this forum was clogged with offers to sell.
Now if a person posts a link to say, a low pop 72 (for example) running on ebay that is not theirs, but is a know fact that there are several members on the board looking for that card, then it can remain here. If that card is owned by the person making the post, then that is spam and will be moved.
Tag lines:
Links to your auctions are perfectly acceptable, as well as requests for certain cards etc. There are limitations as to the number of characters and pic size. As long as there is nothing offensive there, it's pretty much open as to what is placed within this area. Need three cards to complete a raw set? looking for 1988 PSA 7o/c's? etc., you have a venue suited for getting your message out to others who might be able to help. A link to your auctions? Where's the harm? It's just a link
As for a set of clear cut rules and regulations for each and every board? Not a chance, there has to be some flexibility in order to keep the ambiance and character of the board. A regimented board would cause us to lose the camraderie present. Whatever actions occur are a judgement call on my part. Many might not like them, but I don't think that any want to return to the days of total anarchy that once reigned here.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
You never know.
<< <i>ambiance and character >>
although I have heard many other descriptions in the past!
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
<< <i>...but to me, what's the difference between starting threads about what's for sale this week from any given seller, and stating what's for sale this week in a tag line that might appear several times in a single thread, or in several different threads? It's still right there, on the PSA Set Registry board. And there's a link to it too....And maybe I'm way off and everyone considers tag line advertising is just fine as far as BBS etiquette goes, but I see absolutely no difference between one or the other. >>
I absolutely agree with purelyPSA.
<< <i>Common Sense >>
SM1, far from it IMHO. "For discussions about PSA registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them". I agree with dude, that is far too ambiguous for anyone new to follow as you are suggesting. I feel sorry for some who come here and many of the "locals" become sharks and blatently proceed to piss on them... actually that goes for all boards...because they broke a "rule" that is nearly impossible to find.
<< <i>Now if a person posts a link to say, a low pop 72 (for example) running on ebay that is not theirs, but is a know fact that there are several members on the board looking for that card, then it can remain here. If that card is owned by the person making the post, then that is spam and will be moved. >>
Pretty obvious that many can and do get around this. Are you going to pull ones' threads if they decide to help out a buddy? Anyone can say "johnny" has some scarce 55 Bowmans in 8, they are awesome. It is still "spam". You are basically saying this is fine and dandy as long as the seller doesn't say it themselves? Where do you draw the line? In fact, many with these nifty taglines suddenly post quite a bit once they have some stuff running on auction or on a website. Convenient isn't it?
<< <i>A link to your auctions? Where's the harm? It's just a link. >>
A thread about your auction? Where's the harm? It's just a thread.
For the record I have never linked anything I have had for sale via a thread...on any board...or via my tag line. I am in the minority I guess, but I welcome spam in any thread, post, or tagline. If it reads "hey my 88 Topps 7OC's are for sale", I would read it out of curiosity at times ( to see who was that delusional
SM1, I apologize, but I think patrolling this stuff is basicallly the same as acting like some high school clique' which doesn't approve of a certain set of clothing a member is wearing. The patrol should be for malicious posters and/or wanderers who have nothing useful to contribute...such as myself.
I prefer spam to many of the reckless topics that pollute the boards like the official NFL smackdown thing I just saw on the main board. What kind of class does that show to potential PSA collectors, buyers, and sellers? Especially the ones with an education and the captial to make a difference. To me it says "we" continue to allow morons and freaks to polute the place because "we" don't care enough to do anything about it.
SM1, I think you do a swell job overall, and it is not a job many would do, but I just don't agree with your logic on this. I think "you" need to rethink this stance (I will allow that it may not be entirely your own) to some degree and allow either spam of all kinds or ban it altogether. The gray areas are nothing short of confusing, especially for new people. The boards are disintegrating in terms of quality and newbies should be welcome and treated with the utmost tact and respect, rather than cutting off their balls within seconds by hostile people who collect and/or deal in cards and have little better to do.
You need to sit down (maybe with some governing forces) and make a clear thread that sits at the top which outlines some very specific guidelines. When complete I hope it does not have some pathetic double standard. Allow spam or ban it once and for all. There is no difference besides the subtleness of the medium they choose.
If for any reason I am to be banned after chipping in my two cents, I respectfully ask you to please allow for my token "farewell speech". I would love to take my final bashing in style.