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The PCGS Grading Guarantee In A Perfect World

"7. When will PCGS apply the guaranty in regards to turnaround times on Regular Service level submissions? *"

They do now. It's 15 days. The problem as I see it is that even if you know with certainty the day they receive the coin(s), e.g. via a FedEx tracking #, their clock on the guarantee doesn't start running until AT LEAST the day AFTER they receive them. To me, it would seem more customer friendly and transparent to state the guarantee as being 3, 8, or 16 days FROM THE DAY THEY GET THE COINS instead of 2(walk-thru), 7(express), or 15(regular) days from the day AFTER they got them. Perhaps no biggie either way (except for the potential problem in #2 below) but I'd prefer the first way better.

In fact, the guarantee clock really doesn't start ticking until both of the LATER of the following 2 things occur: 1). The day AFTER they receive the coins & 2). When they actually enter the coins in their system as being received (which could be as early as the day they receive them up to several days after they receive them). The first is carved in stone. The second can be gotten around if you have proof as to when they got them but they didn't enter them in until several days later. You can get them to use the day after the day you can proove they got there as the starting point - but you'll have to - IMHO - go through some uncomfortable convincing sessions.

Do you mean economy? modern?

"8. What's the process one has to endure to insure that he/she receives their free submissions? "

Let me start by saying how I think it should be done & how the guarantee could be all but unimprovable in descending order of value/importance/preference.

1. On time or your money back - period, end of story, no questions asked - INCLUDING free return shipping. Return of your check or their check (if yours was already deposited) or a credit card void/credit slip included with the coins. "If we screw up we don't want a dime of your money!"

1a. #1 above without free return shipping.

"We're the best & dare anyone to try to out-customer service us!!!" "We don't just want to be the best we want to be UNIMPROVABLE"

2. On time or credit dollars (for the total amount you paid) to be used in any way at your discretion at any time with no expiration date for you or anyone you give them to - i.e. transferable. - INCLUDING free return shipping. Credit dollars/vouchers to be included with the coins shipped back to you.
2a. #2 above without free return shipping.
2b. #2 above with an expiration date (1 year?, other?).
2c. #2a above with an expiration date(1 year?, other?).

Worse Alternative: Credit dollars mailed separately at a later date.
Even Worse alternative: You have to call to request them.

"If we're late you'll get an equal amount of value of future services - guaranteed - WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED (except for 2b/2c).

3. As soon as they know the guaranteed submission is late, they should create a free submission form(s) TO BE INCLUDED with the coins to be sent back to you. They should let you use the free submission(s) at any time, for you or anyone else, in any number/increment - e.g. if your 10 coin express order was late you shouldn't be forced to get an all-or-none use-it-or-lose-it single form but perhaps 10 individual coupons you can use at YOUR discretion. The order that's late should be shipped back to you at their expense. The coupons should have no expiration date. MOST IMPORTANTLY (perhaps) THE FREE SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ALSO BE COVERED UNDER THE GUARANTEE!!!

3a. #3 above without free return shipping.
3b. #3 above with an expiration date (1 year?, other?).
3c. #3 above without guaranty on free submission
3d. #3a above with an expiration date(1 year?, other?).
3e. #3a above without guaranty on free submission
3f. #3d above without guaranty on free submission
3g.#3e above with an expiration date(1 year?, other?).

Worse Alternative: Free submission form/coupons mailed separately at a later date.
Even Worse alternative: You have to call to request them.

"WE want to make sure you get all you paid for and don't lose any value AND want to make it as convenient for you as possible"

Does anyone think the guarantee should be even less attractive than last & worst option I listed (3g)?

Do you like to have to call & convince someone you deserve to get the free submissions?
Do you like to have to wait for weeks or more AFTER YOU GET YOUR COINS BACK to get the free submission form?
Do you like to be told that since your order was "only" 1 day late you are only going to get 20% of the free submissions the guarantee otherwise specfies you should get - IN FULL***?
Do you like to have to use it all AT ONE TIME or lose some of it's value ?
Do you like NOT being able to EASILY transfer it to someone else?
Do you like the fact the guarantee doesn't apply to the free submissions?

The way it is DESIGNED now I'm sure many are losing much of the value of the free submissions.

***Boy do I have a story about this but no time right now. I'll get back to it a little later.

*This thread currently ignores the "show extensions" situation. - Thanks MoneyLA for bring that to my attention.


  • I just called about the time it took for my regular service -- longer than 15 days -- and I was told that the 15-day period was "extended" because there was a show during the period. so my coins were graded within the allowable period. Hmmm..... cheers, alan mendelson
  • CasabrownCasabrown Posts: 2,146 ✭✭✭
    Dear MoneyLA,

    I had the same experience. I had the uncompfortable feeling that PCGS modifies the rules after receipt of the submissions. Also, when I asked where this exemption was written for shows, the response was that it is on the website. It would have been more consumer friendly if they placed it on the submission forms and made it as conspicuous as PCGS specifies the turnaround times. Just some comments from a disappointed collector.

  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,352 ✭✭✭
    So where do I stand with this regular submission:

    7-31-03----Given to PCGS at ANA show

    8-11-03----Coins logged in (other orders given at the same time were logged in by 8-4-03)

    9-04-03----Grades posted

    Do I get free submissions?


  • Don't have a calander Wayne in front of me but if it's from log in date you within the 15 days. If it's from day you gave it to them minus the 5(?) days for the show you due a free submission.
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,352 ✭✭✭
    If I calculated right, mine took 23 business days from date given to them or 17 business days from date of login.

  • Regular is 15 business days from the day after they receive it plus any days they're at the show.
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,352 ✭✭✭
    Sorry I wasn't clear. I was talking about how long mine took. I will go back and edit.

  • My misunderstanding. My attention is both wandering (it's been a long day) & I'm doing 3 other things at the same time.
  • It would be very easy for PCGS to have the "GRADES AVAILABLE" information when you query the submission number. They easily tell you when they received it and the guaranteed submissions should have a clearly defined date.

    BTW - Does every single grader go to the show (God forbid if there is a plane crash)?

    As David said the graders are working weekends, can we use those days too?


  • "Does every single grader go to the show (God forbid if there is a plane crash)?"

    An excellent point. Many corporations have travel policies on key employees. This is really more of a question pertinent to a Wall Street analyst than for this thread but it's truly an excellent observation.

    "As David said the graders are working weekends, can we use those days too?"

    Again, in the "perfect world", if they TRULY want to be not just the best but unimprovable, if they work weekends, those days should count in counting the number of days.

  • I was just called and denied comps on a regular submission that went 18 business Days (actually 19 business days because Monday was day 0). The order arrived after ANA (Monday the 4th) but PCGS made, according to Sandy, and "executive decision" to change that monday into another "ANA day" so it does not count. So that is 1 day down. Then supposedly there was an "Invitational" that lasted 2 days. Of course this is not posted anywhere. So they make up an excuse for the 3 days and say sorry we are not honoring the guarantee.

    My question is this: WhY is there a guarantee? They never honor it, and make up excuses when they go over. This is the 3rd time PCGS has not honored the guarantee with me, and it sounds like they do it to everyone.

  • I agree. They would be better off with no "guarantee". This "well, it's kind of a guarantee" policy does not go well with consumers.
  • Maybe it is more of a "guideline" than a "guarantee".
    My eBay Items

    I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!

    I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!

    If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
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