
in Q & A Forum
Dave after reading through THIS whole thread I'd like to hear any comments you have.


I remember the time a person posted a scan of a rare early S-mint Lincoln that PCGS had body-bagged saying, "How could PCGS no-grade this lovely original coin, blah, blah, blah. They've lost a customer with this shoddy treatment, etc." Many members jumped on the bandwagon and condemmed this "poor grading" of the coin by PCGS. So I contacted the person and had him send the coin in. It turned out to be a laughable, blatantly whizzed POS.
As for the recent post you're asking about, this person is definitely not using the right approach to problem solving. If he has a problem he should contact me and if something is truly wrong, I'll make sure it gets fixed. But going on the message board and asking members for "help" just isn't logical, since none of you can fix his problem...if he indeed does have a problem. PCGS does not want to screw any of its customers and we always take care of business. If we make a mistake, we make it right...period, end of story. And anybody that tells you different is probably lying to you about other things as well.
Like the Beatles said..."Anytime at all...all you gotta do is call."