How can the SMR not have 1993 Finest listed

I looked and I cant find prices for the card, there is over 6000 graded cards graded. I see cards listed online were there is maybe 100 or less graded and they are listed. Or did I miss it? Is the SMR geared more towards the vintage crowd? I see vintage cards listed and there are only a handle graded for each grade.
Buying 1993 Topps finest Boggs
1.00 each
Buying 1993 Topps finest Boggs
1.00 each
It's because they're so bloody ugly.
They look like they are some of those stickers that kids get out of the .25 machines at the supermarket
You on the xmas list. Then you had to mess it up again. One big lump of coal this year.
I have had the KFC grader in the past! No thanks.
I think think the cards are very nice and ushered in the ultra modern card. I for one love the REFRACTOR. Too bad TOPPS over palyed it though. If they would have kept them rare.
I think that the 89UD ushered in the age of premium quality cards. Snow white card stock, crisp photography, and quality printing.
The 93 Finest ushered in the age of refractors, which I must admit are nice, but the overall design is awful