“I am tired of writing up auction lots, tired of packing things up for UPS after the sale, tired of the calling on the morning after an auction and the hectic post-auction days,” Rosen said of his decision.
Signing autographs? Does he actually believe that he is that big? I think I actually have an autograph from a SportsFest in my closet somewhere. I think that is the biggest joke ever.
Buying 1957 Baseball PSA 8 or higher. Especially Checklists, and Contest Cards. Topps1957psa8set@aol.com
I want to know who are the sorry, no life people who are asking that retard for his autograph. Forgive me if I offended anyone on this board, but seriously you have no life if you've asked for his autograph.
I passed by his table a couple of times at the National, he didn't seem to happy to be there. Then I read in the SCD, that if the 2006 Nat'l comes back to Atlantic City, he will not show up. I thought that was odd since that its his own state of NJ, just a 2 hour ride on the Garden State Parkway for him, not a cross country journey...jay
This is so completely sublime, I don't know where to begin. I'm drooling and doing backflips. It's the first time I've been out of my wheelchair in fifteen years. I need time to think so I can put it all in perspective, but so far it feels like the day the Berlin Wall came down + the day I buried my wife + the first time I tasted Hagen Daazs + the eight golf ball-sized kidney stones I passed in the forest of New Guinea without pain medication.
For Whom The Bell Tolls
No man is an island (except Mr. Mint), entire of itself (or just tired of itself); every man is a piece of the continent (sh!t), a part of the main (...reason I get migraine headaches).
If a clod be washed away by the sea (or the auction scene), Europe (God. I only wish.) is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were (Donne never met Rosen).
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind (Rosen is part of the insect world so all bets are off). And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee...Mr. Mint.
Mid 30's. I'm a television writer that was very hot for a few years and now has cooled off to the point I'm currently writing a MTV pilot about 25 year old cheerleaders that are still in high school. Fox Family Channel wants to meet with me (This means I've hit rock bottom). I can walk. I have a very nice girlfriend that I'm going to marry. She's way too good for me, but, hey, I'm willing to come out on the better side of a deal for once.
I did write funny emails to Mr. Mint after seeing his GQ good looks and humble attitude in the Tuff Stuff magazine. He responded with "I'll call the proper authorities if you don't stop". I don't think he has a very good sense of humor or his second testicle never made it down.
I collect 1933 Goudey Cards in midgrade. I'm almost done with the set. Anyone have a Lajoie for six hundred dollars? I also have all the HOFers from the 1952 Topps set in midgrade. My other set is a 1963 Fleer w/all the stars in PSA 8. Then, I have a mish-mosh of superstars from Topps and Bowman that I want to trade for regional issues like Murcerfan has in his Library of Congress. I'll sell cards at below book to fund new purchases too.
My hobbies include golf, tennis and Asian nudie magazines. My favorite movie was Bullitt. My favorite book is The Sun Also Rises. My best friend is my brother. I think Kobe did a reverse stuff on this chick in Colorado. She got injured and required two stitches.
I have no love or hate of PSA or any of the other grading companies. However, I do believe PSA, Superior, the price guide equal one major conflict of interest.
I take Zoloft. If I ever get on the PGA Tour, I'd like to put Zoloft on my bag.
Last, my dad discovered Viagra and my mom is very, very unhappy to say the least.
Satan Unmasked
P.S. I'm not a penny counting money whore so if you need a card, email me. I have a bunch that aren't in great shape, but I'll send it to you free if it helps out. Just no 1951 Bowman Mays request. I think you understand.
Mid 30's. I'm a television writer that was very hot for a few years and now has cooled off to the point I'm currently writing a MTV pilot
Hmm, I always thought that a writer had to be able to correctly use the English language to be successful.
Back to the topic. Old Mr. Mint has closed his office and is working from home now! No more public auctions, he doesn't use EBAY and he doesn't sell directly to the public. That's a sure fire plan for success!
PSAtan, Anyone with that much working knowledge of John Donne's writings is OK with me! Do you take requests? I'd love to see a little Poe or Roetke brought into the next thread.
Collecting anything and everything relating to Roger Staubach
Old Mr. Mint has closed his office and is working from home now! No more public auctions, he doesn't use EBAY and he doesn't sell directly to the public. That's a sure fire plan for success!
It is when you have SCD on your side. Ebay is a passing fad, much like color TV's. People will return to the safe and secure world of ordering by mail, and what better vehicle to do that in other than SCD, The Hobbyist's Choice!
WHy worry ? How many trees can a subsciption base of 13 use? (Not counting the 50 Free copies that MR MInt gets so he can sign all those autographs for well wishers)........
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.
I talked to Rosen early this year. He told me that in two years he would not be doing this any more. This is what I have first hand knowledge of. What I have heard from more than one source, but I do not have first hand knowledge of, is that Al Rosen works for Kit Young. Like I said, I do not have this first hand, just good sources, so it is just hearsay.
<< <i>WHy worry ? How many trees can a subsciption base of 13 use? (Not counting the 50 Free copies that MR MInt gets so he can sign all those autographs for well wishers)........ >>
You underestimate the SCD loyalist base by over 70%, to your great loss!
His auction catalogs have come in SCD every year since I began subscribing in 1994. Say what you will about his "gem mint blazers", but he's had some nice stuff to auction off over the years. The incredible unopened material he's had comes to mind (1960 topps rack case!?!)
I wonder how much you could get for a Mr Mint signed book on Ebay? Or (gasp!) a signed index card! I see an investment opportunity here....
Man, I thought this would be informative and fun, but I'm really getting into it. So far, I've discovered there are secret conspiracies (RE: Marty's Mr. Mint + Kit Young + Who knows?), there are different loyal cliques on this thing like the North and South during the Civil War and PSA is pretty much a branch of the CIA (Both three letters ending in "A').
I want to get it straight in my head if you'll all help me. Here's what I pieced together -
Rosen is only an operative. The Kit Young Organization or KYO is funding him as a front man. It makes sense because Rosen is perfect as an over-inflated decoy. The KYO doesn't believe in graded cards because they didn't come up with the idea and it's easier to pass off micro-creases, bent corners and paper loss with a Good/Very Good/Excellent/Near Mint/Mint scale that is totally arbitrary. Rosen hasn't been bringing in sales from auctions so the KYO knocked him down to a mere Ebay lackey. It's clear that the KYO is much like SPECTRE in the James Bond Movies.
Now, PSA, operating out of Langley-West (Newport) has gained total control over the baseball card world (Top Secret Cardboard-TSC). They have their hand in all areas including grading, price reporting, selling and auctioning. Joe Orlando is the Godfather of this Cosa Nostra or a face man like Rosen in the tradition of Fredo from Godfather I and II. Porter and Orlando report to someone that is in the shadows. This Blofeld stays out of the limelight preferring to control the world of TSC from a hidden lair. My bet is Gstaad.
The GAI was begun by a group of defectors left out in the cold. The PSA gambled that card graders (Analysts) aren't as important as agents in the field (Agent 707 Bleam, Marion "The Black Maraya" and Colonel Kurtz cards. So Baker organized a small rebellion trying to find chinks in the armor of the Deathstar (PSA). However, they cannot obtain the computer printout of the Deathstar because Orlando is merely Boba Fett. We don't know who Darth Maul Vader is.
In the meantime, the PSA arms its field agents with wrongly graded 8s and 9s while keeping the population reports in check with their own graders. Their greatest fear is a glut of raw mints which would blow the price guide out of the water. What if we could all own PSA 10 1951 Boman Mantles? So, much like the DeBeer Company, they have to secretly purchase all the TSC that surfaces before it falls into the hands of the wrong people--That would be us. The PSA has used mind control tricks to make us see 9s as 6s when we get our cards back. We don't know how to organize so we must accept the grades of the PSA.
Okay. That's all simple. Here's where it gets complicated. What if the PSA is buying gigantic quanities of TSC from the likes of the KYO. Then, Rosen, Young, Porter, Orlando, Agent 707, etc.. would be in cahoots. Their grip on the TSC would be unbreakable. They could run roughshod over all of us. By pretending they're enemies, it's the perfect cover. Does anyone have a picture of all the agents together in one spot prior to the formation of PSA? Any clues to who Darth Vader Blofeld is? Are the "good guys" on this board in danger like the 37 people that disappeared after the Kennedy Assassination. If Murcerfan should die by puppy licks, I think it would raise a red flag. Has anyone ever found an electronic bug in their cardholder when breaking it out to resubmit to another company like the SGC. The SGC are the Royal Canadian Mounties. They have nice uniforms, but no power.
There is a bigger picture here. There's a great amount of money involved and many countries (Venezuelan Topps, Canadian Goudeys and the repugnant French because they have to stick their noses in everything). We're talking about baseball cards turned into cash which purchases pure heroin from the Taliban. The heroin is cut and that baseball card money is multiplied at least ten times. Plus, the Ebay as a branch of the PSA and KYO has gained control over all world markets so they probably handle the distribution of the heroin. I don't think Beanie Babies are stuffed with toilet paper. Those furry little critters are the perfect packaging for narcotics.
Think about it. It all makes sense. If anything should happen to me, everyone call the police and give them this message - "Satan dead. Cards are drugs. Stop Beanie Babies delivery. Mr. Mint is the Third Man." The police will know what you're talking about.
1) Al Rosen has had buying arrangements with a number of different dealers throughout the years. His arrangement with Kit Young, I believe, is no longer in force.
2) While he might call cards "mint" which are not truly "mint" within the definition of graded cards (which are a relatively new phenomenon in view of his time in this hobby) , he has had an awful lot of nice material throughout the years.
3) Though he has always been nice to me, he is abrasive with lots of people. I've never quite understood why people have waited in line to sell him things and be treated coldly if not rudely when they can get an equally low price elsewhere but be treated better.
4) He's been at it a lot of years. He travels all over and he works hard. He's promoted himself obviously but the hobby as well. I can understand him cutting back on his schedule. He's earned the right.
Joe Tauriello Setbuilders Sports Cards Ebay: set-builders & set-builders2
Satan, you rule. You rule so much that you'll either retire from the boards and never post again or get kicked off by The PSA for some obscure reason. You'll find yourself relocated to some Pacific island exporting graded cards with Davillilo, Solomon, Caramels, and BoTN much like Morrison, Hendrix, Orbison, and Buddy Holly have been doing all of these years with illicit pharmaceuticals. Keep up the good work. And don't worry about the sleep, that's just for the week mortals.
Gotta agree with you my friend. This guy really cracks me up. I just hope that he doesn't go over the line and fall into a deep hole, never to be heard from again.
A little anaysis of his posts, the style, the names mentioned, and a few other little clues have me convinced that he is a So. Cal guy. I'm just wondering if he is Joe Orlando's evil alterego!
Back to Mr. Mint
An absolute master of self promotion. Nothing wrong with that, and all are/have been free to make the choice of doing business with him or not. At least he is attempting to catch up to the new economy...at least I think he is. The old ways just don't work anymore. very hard to function in 2003 when you're still in 1993.
<< <i>An absolute master of self promotion. Nothing wrong with that >>
ZARDOZ is correct (man I hate saying that) - I remember sitting in my card store, virtually in total obscurity w/ a small customer base that a small town brings, and reading the latest issue of Sports Illustrated in peace and quiet as it was noon and no one in the store. While flipping thru the contents I was dumbfounded when I saw a 4 or 5 page spread on him, it had a full page color photo of him grinning w/ a large briefcase full of cash, and all the clever nicknames assocaited with him like the "Duke of Dough" and stuff like that. Rosen also appeared as real character in Archie comics around that same time, when Mr Lodges card collection was stolen, Archie & Jughead headed to Mr Mints office - Incredible! Then you add his appearances on CNN, Good Morning America etc... He was truly known nation wide, anybody in our industry knew who he was. Even show promoters would advertise their shown and state in big letters that he was attending, as if he was the autograph guest. So like him or hate him - we all know who he is, and for that you gotta give him credit - Who else in this industry is that well known (w/ the exception of Zardoz) no one!...jay
You could write a documentary about baseball cards/the grading phenomenon. HBO would buy. Burns did baseball, not cards. That was a success. Think of all the kids, collectors and everyday people that have, at least, held a baseball card in their hand. Almost every person in the US. I don't want a % of the production for this prod, but I'd watch it.
Buck, maybe you should rethink the zyprexa issue. 400 mils. of carbamazepine (tid) 3 mils. of risperdal (bid). this will decrease the chances of medication induced diabetes (zyprexa is one of the worst). Also, that zyprexa has a tendency to add weight to the user. Check the electrolyte level on a regular basis.
PSAtan this is all in fun, buck knows where I'm coming from... Keep up the great work, I really enjoy it... mx'er
I actually have two things to say about Mr. Rosen. One is that I bumped into him and his wife (Ms. Mint) at Atlantic City and we walked from the hotel to the boardwalk which was about a 20 minute walk. We had a real nice chat and the thing that stands out in my mind that impressed me is that after I introduced myself, he always mentioned my first name when he replied back to me.
The other thing is that he's made many finds in this hobby. Most were 15 to 20 years ago, but without a doubt he's made more impressive ones than any other dealer in the hobby. Those finds weren't by luck. He paid a lot of money to advertise and network himself beyond the hobby to get the word out that he's buying vintage sports items. As a result, there is a lot more vintage material in collections and for sale thanks to him.
A man with good movie/tv ideas and a vast working knowledge of drugs is almost guaranteed to make hundreds of millions of dollars in Hollywood. Do you want me to start house hunting for you?
Thanks for the offer! Problem is I'm 40 miles out on a cape in the Atlantic. We're talking house addition.The climate change alone would probably kill me...
30 years ago I would have taken you up on the offer. I've had my 15 minuets of fame, I think. <That's for another thread>
When I need a Beverly Hills fix, I give PC32 a call...
BTW....never had the pleasure of meeting MR. Mint...I would think after becoming an MVP in the majors, he would be a more friendly person
From the article:
<< <i>“Everyone is auctioning now, and I think I can do better selling directly to the public,” Rosen said. >>
Gee..Umm...Mr. Mint...you are about 6 years too late...regardless though....Welcome to eBay !!!
And the hobby is just as tired of him.
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>“I never wanted to do anything to smear my name.” >>
CU turns its lonely eyes to you
What's the you say, Mrs Robinson
Vargha bucks have left and gone away?
hey hey hey
hey hey hey
Its interesting to see that he was the lead sponsor of the publication in which this announcement was made.
And for some reason, I just dont think that he was the one doing all of the calling, packing, etc.
Cant wait to see what he does next.
Sounded like a chainsaw when I walked by.
My Auctions
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
For Whom The Bell Tolls
No man is an island (except Mr. Mint), entire of itself (or just tired of itself); every man is a piece of the continent (sh!t), a part of the main (...reason I get migraine headaches).
If a clod be washed away by the sea (or the auction scene), Europe (God. I only wish.) is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were (Donne never met Rosen).
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind (Rosen is part of the insect world so all bets are off). And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee...Mr. Mint.
John Donne (1572-1631)
Have a good day,
So far:
1)You posted somewhere that you were an out of work writer
2)You are in a wheelchair?
3)Cards, women, cars and anti-depressants in that order.
Ok.Satan,if you haven't already,I think it's time for you to introduce yourself.
Take the floor if you will,please?
My Auctions
I did write funny emails to Mr. Mint after seeing his GQ good looks and humble attitude in the Tuff Stuff magazine. He responded with "I'll call the proper authorities if you don't stop". I don't think he has a very good sense of humor or his second testicle never made it down.
I collect 1933 Goudey Cards in midgrade. I'm almost done with the set. Anyone have a Lajoie for six hundred dollars? I also have all the HOFers from the 1952 Topps set in midgrade. My other set is a 1963 Fleer w/all the stars in PSA 8. Then, I have a mish-mosh of superstars from Topps and Bowman that I want to trade for regional issues like Murcerfan has in his Library of Congress. I'll sell cards at below book to fund new purchases too.
My hobbies include golf, tennis and Asian nudie magazines. My favorite movie was Bullitt. My favorite book is The Sun Also Rises. My best friend is my brother. I think Kobe did a reverse stuff on this chick in Colorado. She got injured and required two stitches.
I have no love or hate of PSA or any of the other grading companies. However, I do believe PSA, Superior, the price guide equal one major conflict of interest.
I take Zoloft. If I ever get on the PGA Tour, I'd like to put Zoloft on my bag.
Last, my dad discovered Viagra and my mom is very, very unhappy to say the least.
Satan Unmasked
P.S. I'm not a penny counting money whore so if you need a card, email me. I have a bunch that aren't in great shape, but I'll send it to you free if it helps out. Just no 1951 Bowman Mays request. I think you understand.
Was it the New York Times?.....................NO!
Was it the Washington Post?...................NO!
He wisely chose SCD as the definitive newspaper that prints all the news that effects your miserable, empty lives.
Remember, nothing says "I love you" more than a gift subscription to SCD
Hmm, I always thought that a writer had to be able to correctly use the English language to be successful.
Back to the topic. Old Mr. Mint has closed his office and is working from home now! No more public auctions, he doesn't use EBAY and he doesn't sell directly to the public. That's a sure fire plan for success!
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
Anyone with that much working knowledge of John Donne's writings is OK with me! Do you take requests? I'd love to see a little Poe or Roetke brought into the next thread.
It is when you have SCD on your side. Ebay is a passing fad, much like color TV's. People will return to the safe and secure world of ordering by mail, and what better vehicle to do that in other than SCD, The Hobbyist's Choice!
Why don't you guys just fold.
........... save a few trees.......do the right thing!
Old Vintage Baseball Cards
eBay Auctions
<< <i>WHy worry ? How many trees can a subsciption base of 13 use? (Not counting the 50 Free copies that MR MInt gets so he can sign all those autographs for well wishers)........ >>
You underestimate the SCD loyalist base by over 70%, to your great loss!
I wonder how much you could get for a Mr Mint signed book on Ebay? Or (gasp!) a signed index card! I see an investment opportunity here....
PSAtan - one word : TMI - or is that two ?
Anyway, thanks for providing a fresh of breath air ...
Finally, someone that us common folk can relate ( II, two, too, to, or 2 )
You're the first poster, besides MW, that's been as funny as zardoz ( hey Paul, I said AS FUNNY AS, not funnier than ! )
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
I want to get it straight in my head if you'll all help me. Here's what I pieced together -
Rosen is only an operative. The Kit Young Organization or KYO is funding him as a front man. It makes sense because Rosen is perfect as an over-inflated decoy. The KYO doesn't believe in graded cards because they didn't come up with the idea and it's easier to pass off micro-creases, bent corners and paper loss with a Good/Very Good/Excellent/Near Mint/Mint scale that is totally arbitrary. Rosen hasn't been bringing in sales from auctions so the KYO knocked him down to a mere Ebay lackey. It's clear that the KYO is much like SPECTRE in the James Bond Movies.
Now, PSA, operating out of Langley-West (Newport) has gained total control over the baseball card world (Top Secret Cardboard-TSC). They have their hand in all areas including grading, price reporting, selling and auctioning. Joe Orlando is the Godfather of this Cosa Nostra or a face man like Rosen in the tradition of Fredo from Godfather I and II. Porter and Orlando report to someone that is in the shadows. This Blofeld stays out of the limelight preferring to control the world of TSC from a hidden lair. My bet is Gstaad.
The GAI was begun by a group of defectors left out in the cold. The PSA gambled that card graders (Analysts) aren't as important as agents in the field (Agent 707 Bleam, Marion "The Black Maraya" and Colonel Kurtz cards. So Baker organized a small rebellion trying to find chinks in the armor of the Deathstar (PSA). However, they cannot obtain the computer printout of the Deathstar because Orlando is merely Boba Fett. We don't know who Darth Maul Vader is.
In the meantime, the PSA arms its field agents with wrongly graded 8s and 9s while keeping the population reports in check with their own graders. Their greatest fear is a glut of raw mints which would blow the price guide out of the water. What if we could all own PSA 10 1951 Boman Mantles? So, much like the DeBeer Company, they have to secretly purchase all the TSC that surfaces before it falls into the hands of the wrong people--That would be us. The PSA has used mind control tricks to make us see 9s as 6s when we get our cards back. We don't know how to organize so we must accept the grades of the PSA.
Okay. That's all simple. Here's where it gets complicated. What if the PSA is buying gigantic quanities of TSC from the likes of the KYO. Then, Rosen, Young, Porter, Orlando, Agent 707, etc.. would be in cahoots. Their grip on the TSC would be unbreakable. They could run roughshod over all of us. By pretending they're enemies, it's the perfect cover. Does anyone have a picture of all the agents together in one spot prior to the formation of PSA? Any clues to who Darth Vader Blofeld is? Are the "good guys" on this board in danger like the 37 people that disappeared after the Kennedy Assassination. If Murcerfan should die by puppy licks, I think it would raise a red flag. Has anyone ever found an electronic bug in their cardholder when breaking it out to resubmit to another company like the SGC. The SGC are the Royal Canadian Mounties. They have nice uniforms, but no power.
There is a bigger picture here. There's a great amount of money involved and many countries (Venezuelan Topps, Canadian Goudeys and the repugnant French because they have to stick their noses in everything). We're talking about baseball cards turned into cash which purchases pure heroin from the Taliban. The heroin is cut and that baseball card money is multiplied at least ten times. Plus, the Ebay as a branch of the PSA and KYO has gained control over all world markets so they probably handle the distribution of the heroin. I don't think Beanie Babies are stuffed with toilet paper. Those furry little critters are the perfect packaging for narcotics.
Think about it. It all makes sense. If anything should happen to me, everyone call the police and give them this message - "Satan dead. Cards are drugs. Stop Beanie Babies delivery. Mr. Mint is the Third Man." The police will know what you're talking about.
I might go to sleep for a bit.
Satan (Just watched 3 Days of the Condor)
1) Al Rosen has had buying arrangements with a number of different dealers throughout the years. His arrangement with Kit Young, I believe, is no longer in force.
2) While he might call cards "mint" which are not truly "mint" within the definition of graded cards (which are a relatively new phenomenon in view of his time in this hobby) , he has had an awful lot of nice material throughout the years.
3) Though he has always been nice to me, he is abrasive with lots of people. I've never quite understood why people have waited in line to sell him things and be treated coldly if not rudely when they can get an equally low price elsewhere but be treated better.
4) He's been at it a lot of years. He travels all over and he works hard. He's promoted himself obviously but the hobby as well. I can understand him cutting back on his schedule. He's earned the right.
Setbuilders Sports Cards
Ebay: set-builders & set-builders2
Gotta agree with you my friend. This guy really cracks me up. I just hope that he doesn't go over the line and fall into a deep hole, never to be heard from again.
A little anaysis of his posts, the style, the names mentioned, and a few other little clues have me convinced that he is a So. Cal guy. I'm just wondering if he is Joe Orlando's evil alterego!
Back to Mr. Mint
An absolute master of self promotion. Nothing wrong with that, and all are/have been free to make the choice of doing business with him or not. At least he is attempting to catch up to the new economy...at least I think he is. The old ways just don't work anymore. very hard to function in 2003 when you're still in 1993.
I read his book back in the early 90s when I collected. I'm sorry and I am ready to be flogged by each and every one of you.
Please forgive me......
SM1- If you want to kick me from these boards for this collecting tragedy, I will not put up a fight.
One thing in my defense. I don't have an autograph of him anywhere in my collection.
<< <i>An absolute master of self promotion. Nothing wrong with that >>
ZARDOZ is correct (man I hate saying that
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
I guess you could say that for the card business as well.
PSAtan, hilarious story. The PSA conspiracy continues....
You must be on some powerful stuff. I can't believe that it is just Zoloft. Maybe a little Zyprexa too??
In anycase, thanks for exposing the conspiracy. I enjoyed the read, and hope that Mr Stone calls you soon to write his next movie.
You could write a documentary about baseball cards/the grading phenomenon. HBO would buy. Burns did baseball, not cards. That was a success. Think of all the kids, collectors and everyday people that have, at least, held a baseball card in their hand. Almost every person in the US. I don't want a % of the production for this prod, but I'd watch it.
Buck, maybe you should rethink the zyprexa issue. 400 mils. of carbamazepine (tid) 3 mils. of risperdal (bid). this will decrease the chances of medication induced diabetes (zyprexa is one of the worst). Also, that zyprexa has a tendency to add weight to the user. Check the electrolyte level on a regular basis.
PSAtan this is all in fun, buck knows where I'm coming from...
1961 topps 100%
The other thing is that he's made many finds in this hobby. Most were 15 to 20 years ago, but without a doubt he's made more impressive ones than any other dealer in the hobby. Those finds weren't by luck. He paid a lot of money to advertise and network himself beyond the hobby to get the word out that he's buying vintage sports items. As a result, there is a lot more vintage material in collections and for sale thanks to him.
A man with good movie/tv ideas and a vast working knowledge of drugs is almost guaranteed to make hundreds of millions of dollars in Hollywood. Do you want me to start house hunting for you?
Thanks for keeping me slim,
Thanks for the offer! Problem is I'm 40 miles out on a cape in the Atlantic. We're talking house addition.The climate change alone would probably kill me...
30 years ago I would have taken you up on the offer. I've had my 15 minuets of fame, I think. <That's for another thread>
When I need a Beverly Hills fix, I give PC32 a call...
BTW....never had the pleasure of meeting MR. Mint...I would think after becoming an MVP in the majors, he would be a more friendly person
1961 topps 100%