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First real Submission results! Small lot of 1969's

Status Number #4054520.

Not that surprised. I used this as a learning submission and I knew they would be 7's and 8's (I hoped more 8's). But the 8st and the 5 surprise me. The PSA 5 #599 I thought was the best card of the bunch. Why would it get so low of a grade?
Some of the 7's I knew would be 7's but I think I sent them in just to send them in. I mean I pay the money for the membership, why not use it.

I guess this means I am sticking to buying slabbed cards because I just don't have the eye for it. Let me know your thoughts.




  • DhjacksDhjacks Posts: 343 ✭✭
    Same type of results on my first submission. The five is very likely to be a small, very hard to see, wrinkle somewhere on card.
    Working on 1969 through 1975 Basketball.
  • When I get them back I am I will really look at those two and see what's up. They all were pretty close in shape.
  • Glen,

    I sent in a bunch of 69 also recently. My Ron Santo (which I thought to be an 8) came back a 5. I have looked at it through high mag power and can't find the flaw. There has to be a small wrinkle somewhere.

    1972 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
    1974 Topps Baseball PSA 8+

    Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens
  • BobSBobS Posts: 1,738 ✭✭

    << <i>I guess this means I am sticking to buying slabbed cards because I just don't have the eye for it. >>

    I used to think this also. However, I have now realized that I do have the eye for it, I just don't own high grade raw cards image
  • < I used to think this also. However, I have now realized that I do have the eye for it, I just don't own high grade raw cards >

    I agree 100%, That is excactly how I feel. Give me the Mint raw cards and I can send them in.


  • MeferMefer Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭
    Hang in there! You just have to get a feel for it. Even then, what you "guess" as the grades will not always be right. You have to remember not only are you, yourself, making a subjective opinion on your card, but also a third person. There will be differences from time to time. Another big hurdle is the mindset of "overgrading" your own cards. That is very tough to do. Remain very critical of your own cards. This will improve your grades.

    As far as choosing cards to send in, look them over closely. This is probably a mind numbing task to many but I personally enjoy it. I actually have a magnifying lamp right next to my side of the bed; you never know when you will want to look at card! Look closely for corner wear and any faint creases. Also look for chipping. As far as centering, I use a device called a "center it" that works really well. Since I started using it, I have only received one oc card. Also, just keep it fun; that helps too; don't make it a job; one of those is enough.
  • DhjacksDhjacks Posts: 343 ✭✭
    Thank you Bob S for pointing that out. I sometimes feel like it's assumed that we are all submitting cards from the same grand pile, and that some of us just don't have the 'eye' to spot the nines.
    Working on 1969 through 1975 Basketball.
  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    What service level did you use? I am still waiting on a 15 day SRS that I dropped off at The National.
    My submission was reviewed by 2 people before being submitted so hopefully I won't get any suprises.


  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    You should know better... there are ALWAYS surprises....image
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • I used 15 DAY Set Registry Members Special. It took 7 day's to get the results posted on web. My Hats off to PSA for the service.
  • A 5 on a card that you expected a 8 or better on should be a crease or surfice wrinkle. If you do not have a halogen light, take the card into the bright sun light and hold the card at an angle. Between the front and back, you should probably be able to see the problem. I have used the sun light to grade cards several times, it is easy to do in Arizona. Flaws in the gloss of the cards jump out, as well as slight lifting at the corners. For the most part, you can see these without a loupe. You will need to loupe more for wear.
    If you want some practice, ask a friend or friendly dealer to pick out some graded cards to examine. Cover up the grades and grade them yourself. When you uncover the grades, you then have to oportunity to see how they grade. You need to use someone elses cards for two reasons, 1 the cards are unfamiliar to you and 2 your own cards are always higher gradesimage
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