Home Q & A Forum

Full Band designation for Au Merc dimes

jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,729 ✭✭✭✭✭

My apologies if this question has been previously asked?

Has PCGS ever considered Full Band Designation on Au-55, 58 mercury dimes, similar to the Standing Liberty Quarter with Full head's in Au grades.

Several of the mercury dimes are relatively inexpensive in upper circulated grades, and the FB may not really increase marketability or demand. However, I think that there are a few examples that having an Au-55, 58 with full bands (FB) designated to indicate that the particular example exhibits a strong full strike, might be beneficial to collectors. I would much rather have a full banded Au-58 Mercury dime than a flat struck coin anyday. Then to have it indicated on the holder as such would improve marketability on the nicer struck coins, especially such dates like the 16-d, 21's, 42/1 and last but not least, the infamous 45-P.

I Might add, I think this would also generate additional re-submissions to PCGS to get the FB designations on certain dates.



  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    We haven't had many people ask for this designation below MS60...in fact, you're the first I can recall. We would only do it if we saw coins described that way and a lot of people asked.

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