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How often are the Pop Reports Updated?

And exactly how accurate are they?



  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    accuracy+ about as good as my spellin

    updated every monday

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • Not nearly enough - but they are MUCH more up to date INSIDE the registry sets.
  • PeetiePeetie Posts: 627 ✭✭
    Why is that redcents?

    You are right. The coin I was looking for says 24/0 in the pops, but inside a registry set it says 25/0.

    What gives?
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    They are updated every Thursday morning.

    << <i>The coin I was looking for says 24/0 in the pops, but inside a registry set it says 25/0.

    What gives? >>

    Look up the coin number directly in the pop report using the lookup box in the upper right of the opening page. It will be in there.

    Russ, NCNE
  • GerryGerry Posts: 456
    Russ is correct. However, the populaion tables associated with each series apparently have not been updated since July 3 (at least for the several series that I follow closely). I pointed this out to PCGS today and they think they may have a bug in the system, which they will look into as soon as is possible.

  • Hi Russ,

    Thanks for the info. I did not know it until now. I have been calling the customer service because that's what the reps said in the coin show when I went to their booth asking for the pop of some philippines coins.

    When I call the pcgs customer service, they never tell me that I could just type the number and I could have the pop.

    Now, I am happy, I do not have to call them and be on hold for minutes.

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