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Picked up this 73 proof set for the Dcam Kennedy

and inside was this hazy looking Jefferson. I dipped it with acetone and this gem appeared. What do you think Jefferson people?? Cam?


  • mbbikermbbiker Posts: 2,873
    I'd say CAM because the fields are still a little hazy. Acetone is great, you can check if your toning is real or baked on, see if mintmarks are glued on and it doesn't affect the coin at all (unless a mintmark falls off)image
  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    What is that near IGWT and Liberty?

  • Its some hazing that did not come off yet. I remember someone on here just last week saying that boiling water will remove haze. I may have to give it a try....Ken
  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    I have never dipped a proof coin. I have dipped BU examples, but have always been too afraid to do it to proofs because of their fragile surfaces. I have used Coincare on Large cents that had crud on them and it worked well. I also used Coincare on a 1921 Merc that had black spots, it was an AU55. ANACS graded it an EF45, but no netting or adverse comments, which was good, since I bought the coin as a substandard AU50 at a discount. I am too much of a coward when it comes to proofs. I guess I would consider it on an early matte proof if it needed it, but not on modern post 1955 proofs.

  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Lots of frost breaks on the left half of Monticello. It is a heavily frosted obverse, but the coin won't make Cameo. Sorry.

  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I think it will make CAM and maybe DCAM

    problem is also what will lower the grade -> depth of mirrors (cloudy fields)

    I am not sure it will go higher than 67 -

    so probably not worth paying someone to put in slab
  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,761 ✭✭✭✭
    A weak mixture of EZest and distilled water followed by a rinse with plain distilled water and a final rinse with acetone will work well for clads to remove haze.

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