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1949 Franklin FBL w/unfortunate toning

The third time through an accumulation of old half dollars, I looked twice at a 1949 Franklin with some ugly dark toning I had ignored before due to its visuals. Condition seems to be UNC with absolutely the best reverse strike I have ever seen- you can read the lettering on the bell clearly (sorry I don't have the capability yet to post the pic) and it's definitely FBL. My question is how badly would the toning (primarily around the edges) affect the overall grade of a coin like this?
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  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    tough to say..... if its really dark, that could hurt it.... if luster can been seen under the toning that is a plus...... no surprise on the bold strike seen on the reverse as the 48 and 49 are known for this since the master dies were still in primo condition..... The best strikes I have ever seen though are on the 51d.
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