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Choices and consequences

Choices.......Life is merely a series of choices. Nothing more and nothing less.

Consequence..........A result or effect of an action or condition.

As we go through life we all make choices of all kinds. We then have to live with the consequences of those choices. A lot of people have made their views known in the past couple of days about the banning of another member. That member made a choice and therefore now suffers the consequence of that choice. When contemplating making a choice on something, a prudent person would decide to not make that choice, if there was any doubt in his/her mind to the validity of that choice.
We all have choices here on this board. If we like whats happening we can stay and enjoy it. If not, then we can move elsewhere. Noboby is forced to be here. There will always be differences of opinion, thats just life. But, when that difference of opinion leads to rude and derogatory statements, then you only have yourself to blame.
These are my thoughts on the subject..................Kenimage


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