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Superior Auction & E-Bay Snipes

This will be the first time that I participate in Superiors auction.As I will be participating in the auction in person,Can anyone tell me how snipes are going to come into play with live bidders also?Does Superior end an auction at exactly a precise time or will the auction go as long as there are bidders?Can an E-Bay bidder have a snipe at a few seconds before the stated ending time of an auction and will the auction end or will it continue if there are "live" bidders on the floor(as opposed to dead ones, I guessimage)?Are snipes even feasible with say,a 3 second buffer?
Also, while I am being ignorant,Can you pay for items at the auction with a credit card?I think that the answer should be obvious,but I would like to be certain.

Please be kind to me. Even though I'm now a former postal employee, I'm still capable of snapping at any time.


  • Those are alot of questions there Tipem!
    And I can't answer any of them!
    But I do know this; auctions seem to be getting more complicated by the day! The more competitive things get, the more exposure the dealers want, the more confusing the auction's closing is.
    It's like, "how many different ways can somebody outbid me?"

    The latest Superior auction reminds me of Heritage Comic Auctions.
    I have no idea what's going on, I read the terms and conditions, and they're basically covering their arss for any conceivable situation that may occur. Doesn't really say which bidding method happens last. But (Chris Porter) does say that each lot closes one at a time. Does this mean you have to be on the phone when your lot ends? Is this the same time the ebay clock is running down? And the same time it's ending on the floor? This sounds like recipe for disaster.

    It's a ~(deep breath)~live auction, an internet auction, a phone auction, an ebay auction, a fax auction, an email auction, and for all you neanderthals out there, a mail auction.

    This is just too much.
    A live auction should be just that. On the floor.
    I was hoping maybe I could send my bid via paper airplane from the bar.
    Good luck bidding! (sure do like that 63 Unitas in a nine!)
  • murcerfanmurcerfan Posts: 2,329 ✭✭
    I agree. I have never seen anything so rediculous (well maybe).
    easier to just wait for billy mastro's next auction.
    lots of stuff i would otherwise pursue, a real shame.
  • Despite several calls and e-mails, Superior has been unable for the last few auctions to send my catalog to the right address (I'm sure it's sitting in the main post office in Chicago right now). So it's Superior's loss. I'll just save my money for Mastro's next auction.

    POTD = 09/03/2003
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