How many classics being graded?
in Q & A Forum
I'm curious, as the years go by, do you still see approximatly the same volume of the older classics being graded? In other words, is PCGS still grading the same amount of say Mercury dimes as in past years, or have they been slowing down. It seems that after time, people would have submitted the ones that would bennefit from being certified and therefore populations would slow down till very few were left raw. Or will we see the populations constantly grow? I'm just wondering how many really survived in high grade of say a 1921-D Mercury dime?
John V
John V
Merc collector.
Actually, the classics keep on coming. I guess there is a little bit of a volume decrease on really rare coins, like 1916-D and overdate Mercs. Based on certain things such as the population of 19th century proofs, I feel it will be another 10 to 15 years before we significantly pass our "half life" on classics and see a really noticeable drop-off.