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Congratulations to Mike Castaldi's 75 Completion

We applaud you for your completion of the 1975 Topps set in PSA 8+. Only third member to do so.
We know that you have been resourceful and persistent on this two year plus journey. Also, we appreciate the knowlege that you transferred to other 75 Topps collectors during your run. Any final
comments on how the strategy changed during the journey? What are your plans now?


If you want to succeed, you should
strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success - John D. Rockefeller


  • unishipuniship Posts: 497 ✭✭
    I don't know Mike, but I remember his website for the 72 set - it was sweet! Anyway, Mike must be one of the foremost authorities on cards from the 70's period. I believe Mike is also putting together other nice 70's sets too. Congrats Mike!
  • Mike,
    I didn't even know you were doing 75'simage I'm very happy for you and congratulations on a heck of an accomplishment.

    For those of you unfamiliar with some of Mike's budget-minded set building here's a couple of things I've learned about him over the past few years...
    As with any set he builds, he "beats the bushes" for raw cards. He is discriminating to a fault and is left with very high-end of the grade sets. I would match his set up against any set of higher GPA on eye-appeal. He also tends to bottom feed on eBay and weed through the sleepers. This guy is a first-class collector. It is refreshing in an age where more collectors purchase another man's opinion or a certification number than the image on the card. Great job Mike on a truly difficult set!
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    MIKE - Great Job! Congrats! Whats next on the horizon....'71 perhaps? ...jay
  • Mike,
    Congrats on your set.When can we look forward to seeing it in all psa 9?
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    Lets not beat around the bush - rather than use the term "budget minded" lets just come right out with it - Mike is cheap... With all of his own submissions and his wheeling and dealing his 75 set cost him a little over $100. He makes dealers cry when he buys cards and buys $8.00 PSA 9's on eBay! imageimage

    And I've learned a lot from him since we met while building the 72 sets....

    Since I too submit a lot on my own, I gotta love and appreciate someone willing to put in the leg work and get a thorough understanding on the sets that he's working on.

    This hobby doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg - usually, just an arm and a foot will suffice...
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great job Mike. I know you worked a long time on that set and managed to complete it without paying 5x SMR for the first example that hits eBay. That will insure the long term investment viability of your collection. I guess you can focus all your attention to the 1972 set. Or will you continue to look for upgrades for your 75?
  • StumpStump Posts: 927

    Congrats on the set. I am right behind you at 85%. I took your practice and used it. Ended up with a tigers team card psa 9 for 9.99. That was cool. Good luck with what you do next.

    Visit my site @ www.djjscards.com
  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭

    Congratulations on completing the set. Are you going to be at the National this year? I would like to catch up with you if you're planning on attending.


  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for all the wonderful comments guys. I've learned a lot from everyone on the forum and it all helps.

    I do need to thank 3 people for their help with the 75 set -
    -- Frank Smith has been instrumental in my progress on the 75 set - but more importantly, he's a good friend.
    -- Steve Eberhardt was, and still is, one of the heavyweights in the set. It takes a lot of courage to complete the set, then decide you want to take it to a totally different level. I know he'll finish the set in a ridiculous GPA.
    -- Steve Hart at BBC Exchange twisted my arm and really got me started with the first 10% of the set and it just grew from there. One of the true class acts among the dealer community

    As for what's next. . .
    Some of you know the story and some don't. The first set I put together was not the 1975 set, but 1972. After getting to about 94% on the 1972 set about a year ago, I decided to sell off the 1972s so I could devote more energy and resources to the 75 set. Well, as the 75 set climbed over 95% and the remaining cards got tougher I had to think about which set I should do. Crazy-low eBay prices and the lure of revisiting the old friend that was the 72 set became too strong. In late February, I restarted the 72 set from scratch. I set a goal of an 8.10 GPA and figured between the market being down and a different approach, it would cost me considerably less than my first attempt even with a higher GPA. So in five months, I've gotten to 60% complete. I've tried to be very aggressive on the low-pop and tough cards and bottom-feed everything else. Otherwise, I'm still beating the bushes, submitting my own when I can, and trading when it makes sense.

    Dakota> Upgrades will be at my convenience and discretion - and generally doesn't necessarily mean moving to a 9 of a particular card. A set of cards that I'm happy and proud to own is much more important to me than the GPA.

    Stump> You'll get there. The earlier you chase the low-pop stuff, the easier the rest will seem.

    QualityCards> No way. A set of 71s that I'd be happy to own would be beyond my budget - especially with over 300 cards left on the 72s image

    Alan> Sorry. . .no National for me this year. This summer, I had about $600 to put to raw cards and figured I could either spend it on airfare and hotel and such at Atlantic City - or - I could stay home and go to SportsFest. As it turned out, SportsFest was probably my best show ever in terms of finding raw 72s. I came out of there with 150-175 submitable 72s. 70 of those are on their way to Newport Beach today image

    Again, thanks for all the kind comments and good luck with each of your sets - whatever they may be.

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • jaxxrjaxxr Posts: 1,258 ✭✭
    Very Sweet !!!

    The most popular set on the registry, and you got a 100% complete beauty. Nice going Mike. At that sportsfest show we attended, I picked up about 15-20 submittable 1973s, not as much perseverance, expertise, luck, or cash, as yourself, I guess. Fine show, was also great to have met several other board members.
    This aint no party,... this aint no disco,.. this aint no fooling around.
  • RobERobE Posts: 1,160 ✭✭
    Congrats Mikey!

    Glad to see within a couple weeks you finally made it to the finish line of another fine set and group of cards,that must be an attractive group of cards you gathered.

  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    Great Job on finishing the 1975 set....and finally getting those last two cards. Best of Luck on the 1972's!!

    John B.
  • ATTA-BOY Hope to be there sometime in the next year !!!image
    "All my life I've been searching for something"
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    I'm still on vacation, but wanted to say congrats to Mike as well.
  • NeilDowneyNeilDowney Posts: 840 ✭✭
    Hi Mike, Great job on the 75 set. I often thought of taking a shot at it but the 72s were draining my pretty good. I hope to see you soon over the 90% mark with your 72 set. I'll set a place for you at the "FAB FIVE" table. You'll always be one of us. Neil
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