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Look at this invoice... what's different?

Invoice 339304. Anyone recognize what different, and know why?

1 03642668 1908 1C MS64RD
2 02702888 1909 VDB 1C MS66RD
3 01204052 1917 1C MS65RD
4 07927159 1937 1C MS67RD
5 07958376 1943-D 1C MS67
6 07875240 1945-S 1C MS67RD
7 07983660 1960-D 1C Small Date MS66RD
8 70094650 1999-D 1C MS68RD
9 03505542 1903 5C MS63
10 07766190 1958 25C MS66
11 03705206 1912 25C MS62
12 03715503 1968-D 10C MS67
13 70000534 1956 10C MS67
14 07905316 1944-D 10C MS67FB
15 04358933 1908 10C MS64
16 70006096 1943-D 5C MS66FS
17 07946814 1946-D 5C MS66FS
18 09986007 1938-D 5C Buffalo MS66
19 03759197 1913 5C Type 1 MS64
20 03758506 1996-D 25C MS67
21 03738205 1994-P 5C SMS MS69FS
22 71003161 1976-D 50C Clad MS66
23 03738185 1976-S 50C Silver MS68
24 71055826 1999-D 50C MS67
25 71003185 1968-D 50C MS66
26 21045973 1976-S 25C Silver MS68
27 07725508 1976 25C Clad MS67
28 70074732 1999-P DE 25C Delaware MS66
29 02865984 1912-D 50C AU58
30 03474318 1940 50C MS66
31 05643828 1956 50C MS66FL
32 07978663 1964 50C MS66
33 09038740 1900-O S$1 MS65
34 03660305 1921 S$1 Peace, High Relief MS63
35 70042893 1923 S$1 MS65
36 02864049 1972-S S$1 Silver MS68
37 03744146 1976-S S$1 Silver MS67
38 03738174 1976-D $1 Type 1 MS65
39 03717016 1976-D $1 Type 2 MS66
40 02749338 1979-P SBA$ MS66
41 07949908 1999-D SBA$ MS67
42 05361427 1883 5C Shield MS64
43 04363030 1883 5C No CENTS MS64
44 02865532 1940-D 5C MS66FS
45 21132878 1837 50C Reeded Edge XF40
46 03628440 1962 1C PR67DC
47 21013408 1955 1C PR67RD
48 03755173 1865 2C MS64RB
49 21015309 1853 1C AU55BN
50 04895458 1863 1C AU58
51 21162367 1804 1/2 C Plain 4-No Stems AU53BN
52 05414666 1859 1C AU55
53 21040888 1851 3CS MS64
54 21013412 1959 25C PR68CA
55 21013426 1832 50C Small Letters F15
56 05616321 1929-S 25C MS65
57 03738214 1964 50C PR68CA
58 21013411 1956 50C Type 2 PR68
59 21022672 1838 50C Reeded Edge AU58
60 03723898 1959 10C PR68
61 03737006 1889 10C MS64
62 02833735 1882-CC S$1 MS63
63 05391007 1857 H10C AU58
64 05494937 1880 3CN PR65CA
65 03717031 1978 $1 MS66
66 21019463 1930 25C MS65FH
Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!


  • Brian

    The only thing I see is a mixture of coins pre 1965 and post 1965. So whats up.


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    That is wierd. I wonder why the cert numbers aren't the same sequence. Have you called to find out what happened?

    Russ, NCNE
  • KeyrockKeyrock Posts: 961
    Non-sequential numbering. All of mine were XXXXXXXY, where Y increased by one digit.

    You also have 7xxxxxxx, 2xxxxxxx, 02xxxxxx etc., which may indicate the coins were graded on different days.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Wait a minute! Is this a typeset submitted for pedigree?

    Russ, NCNE
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    Ding Ding Ding--Russ hit it. Actually two type sets submitted for pedigree.

    I just had to find the invoice number, because 3 coins I had re-graded for possible upgrade have not worked in the database ever since (Gayle added them to the registry for me, but I couldn't get them in at NGC). For those who wonder on the upgrade attempts...

    1930 SLQ MS64FH ==> MS65FHimage
    1880 3CN PR65 ==> PR65CAMimage
    1978-P Ike MS66 -- No Changeimage
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Brian, Congrats, You Did Good--Really Good!


    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

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