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Chop dollars MS?? or AU++++


With the certification of the Trade Dollars with Chop marks is the MS designation really possible? I know some coins have been certified as such, however, I would think as soon as a coin has a chop, it would lose the MS potential due to the distortion on the coins surface, or the obstruction of a pick up point. Have the MS designated coins been chopped in the open fields and therefore no obstruction to the images?

Regards, Rich


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    Since we designate the chop, we grade the coin as if it doesn't have the chop. If we didn't designate the chop, then it would of course be a negative, or no grade. People collect chop mark Trade dollars and the ones without no wear, only chops, we call Mint State.

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