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Looking for help/advice on getting a retaliatory negative feedback removed on Ebay...

coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
scamcrook (many of you know as someone who exposes Ebay scammers and rip-off artists) just got hit with his 1st negative feedback. He bid on and won the coin discussed in this thread: Ebay scam.

As soon as the sale ended, he left negative feedback to warn others and emailed the under-bidders, to alert them, in case the seller decided to try to offer the coin to them. The seller then posted retaliatory feedback and lied, saying "This guy tried to get me to sell coin to him 1200.. I said no."

I'm (I mean he is image ) looking for advice/suggestions on how to have this bogus negative feedback removed. It was obviously retaliatory, on the part of someone who got caught offering a coin he didn't own and his feedback comment was a lie, as scamcrook never tried to buy the coin from him. The seller could/would not have any email in support of his accusation.

Scamcrook thanks you in advance, for any help you might be able to offer.


  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    someone said if you include a link to another location, eBay may remove not sure -

    since you already replied, I am not sure if you can reply again
  • Mark: I have the same problem. I was stuck by a rip-off artist with negative feedback after he tried to steal my money by not shipped the coin in question for over a month. It is the only negative (or neutral) feedback that I have from about 275 transactions. If you try to expunge your experience, I would be interested in hearing of your success and methods.

    I do not buy much on EBay any more, but it still rankles me to get negative feedback from a thief.
  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can also try packing some snow into a big ol hard ball and seeing if it has a chance in hell.

    eBay exists for the benefit of the poor widdle buyers who get all confwoosed an make widdle mistaky-wakies and need wots of help and understanding....boo hoo.

  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    I think you're, oops, I mean he's out of luck. It was inevitable that scamcrook would get a retaliatory neg. He should just keep using the account until it's shut down and then create another.
  • MarkMark Posts: 3,532 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Personally, I am suprised that the seller didn't remove scamcrook's bid. Scamcrook's bid was top for two days (during which 3 others bid on the coin--3 people who owe scamcrook but don't know it). However, the seller canceled geraldo_rivera's bid. I guess the seller thought scamcrook a legit bidder? What a doofus!

    Mark (not Feld and not Scamcrook)

  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya just gotta love America....specially today...

    Where else can you register the username "scamcrook" on a multimillion dollar auction site?

    I think I will endure the 30 days of wearing shades on my name just to register


    oh my.
  • I notice that this auction's Payment Instructions are plainly visible to anyone on the www:

    "send payment to MICHAEL K LEWIS PO BOX 1134 PHILA PA 19105"

    Does anyone know what other eBay ID's this guy, or this PO box, sells under???
  • What is troubling is these scammers are getting more sophisticated.

    Member since: Tuesday, Jul 23, 2002 Location: United States

    This guy has been around a year and you would think that adds some legitimacy?

    Geraldo stopped another similar scam about a month ago and the guy had over 3 yrs on ebay with 100+ feedback.

    Ebay is becoming a more dangerous place to do business.
  • StorkStork Posts: 5,205 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think scamcrook can get it removed, however I think you can leave a response to their response, something like "NGC slab with the number posted ownedby/for auction by heritage, he does not own coin" would be enough that anyone who reads it to understand, and in fact, if they ran across scamcrook bidding again, might take a closer look at the auction. Heck, maybe scamcrook can bid on a couple auctions and get some good feedback so he doesn't get NARU'd. Or maybe we can see the birth of scamcrook1, scamcrook2 etc. Personally, I was cheering scamcrook on, there was another thread about this ("yet another ebay scam") recently. Go Scamcrook, Go Scamcrook WoooWooo imageimage (though I was sad when poor Geraldo was blocked)

  • numonebuyernumonebuyer Posts: 2,136
    Getting negative feedback removed on eBay is almost impossible to do.

    No matter what you say to eBay, they really don't care. No matter how logical your statement, they really don't care.

    I have two negatives and one neutral. I tried to get them all removed, but to no avail. I just posted replies to each and hoped for the best. My overall rating is at 237.

    EBay just doesn't put as much importance on these feedback ratings as we all do. Until they do, there will be injustice in the use of such ratings.


  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had the same experience with "Captainfine" too saying I demanded a lower price than my winning bid. In fact I just wanted to return the coin as it was a misrepresented spotted dog. It seems that ebay sellers have no fear of neg FB. They'll just lie about your comment and dismiss it. A hell of a poor system.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,418 ✭✭✭✭✭
    imageimage.. man the seller of the coin lost over three grand on the coin as it sold for over eight grand in the Heritage Auction.

    Scamcrook made one hell of a buy. image Too bad he got Neged though. image

    No advice for the negative except look for some other Turd like this guy and hope he is not so fast with the Neg Trigger.

  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,103 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sign up as scramcrook1 image
    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    someone please pm me his next adventure should he even try again.

    I have way to much time and quite a few resources

    just wish I could help scamcrook image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
    Perhaps scamcrook could auction about 20 items with "a buy it now" and the bidders could donate the items back so there would be no shippingimage---------BigE
    I'm glad I am a Tree
  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    Had a misrepresented coin sent to me by "Seriouscoins", he withheld feedback till I posted a Neg on him. I jumped through all the hoops of Square Trade and mediation and attempt to have ebay remove it to no avail. Might as well have been wizzing into the wind for all the good it did me. Only solution was an answer to his feedback that explained problem. By the way he buys AU's on ebay, cleans them and sell them a MS63's "AS IS". Watch out for this one he touches up his photos to look MS.
  • coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
    Thanks to everyone who responded, within this thread and through private messages. I sincerely appreciate all of your comments and suggestions. If I have any luck, I'll let you know.

    Mark, on behalf of scamcrook
  • In the future, scamcrook shouldn't bid if he's not willing to pay! If scamcrook feels unsafe he should ask for the sellers home address to send payment because he feels unsafe about sending cash image to a PO box (also makes it easier on the prosecutor to track the seller down) or demand an escrow transaction beacause the coin seems to be in the hands of someone else. One of the lawyers on the board could stick the funds in his trust account pending your receipt of the coin.image

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