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Are slabs for slobs?

topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
I posted a pic of a coin I just sent in. In discussing it with the seller, jadecoin, (no givin out no price info, Dennis...heh heh) I have come to the conclusion that the main reason I slab coins now is because I am a klutz at times.

The coin is far prettier in the light with no stupid layer of hydrocarbons to peer through. And you can TOUCH it and feel the weight and let your imagination run wild................BUT.......

Who has NOT found themselves slipping and having to pinch the SURFACES of the coin to keep it from falling on the floor which is invariably covered with tire spikes left over from "The World's Scariest Coin Chases?" Or dropping your 14 inch rattail file on it?

When I had the shop, I learned REAL QUICK to have a pad under ANY coin collection that was not OBVIOUSLY a pile of 90% junk silver or an admirable set of aluminum coins from Vietnam.

All it took was for me to FORGET to have the pad and if I dropped a coin, although it did no damage (usually) it would ALWAYS be a proof or a large rare date silver dollar or double eagle.

It WAS good for customer relations though as they were always so relieved to find out they DIDN'T die when the bozo at the coin shop flopped the coin from the counter to the drawer handle to the floor.

(Sometime I will tell you ..WHY.. I learned to cover the itty bitty crack BETWEEN the cases with tape)

BUT.....I am now finding that the slab service isn't as important to me (heresy) as the coin and I am only slabbing the coin to know that neither I nor anyone else will have the entertainment of juggling a numismatic treasure or seeing how much potato chip residue can be placed on it.



  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    I always got coffee splashing around all over the place & my fingers are always covered with yuck from all the greasy fried snacks I cook & munch.
    My kid likes to enjoy my coins too & 5 year olds are always covered with dirt & sticky stuff and their little hands & fingers are clumsy & uncordinated to boot.
    Slabs are good for slobs.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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