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PCGS free quarterly submission question

Is this quarters free coin anything Carson City?

If so will they do a CC dollar in the original GSA?

Will they take submissions for this at the Rosemont show this week. I have never done this before, but can I just give them the coin to grade at the show?? They then take it back to Ca and grade it??



  • RGLRGL Posts: 3,784
    Yes ... the coin of the quarter (prior to June 30) is any Carson City coin. And, PCGS does accept submissions at shows, so I am sure they would have no problem with submitting the freebie.

    And, yes, they will accept the coin in its original GSA holder, but -- and I think GSAguy would agree -- unless you a super coin, it may well appreciate more in its GSA holder than in a graded PCGS slab. So many of these have been cracked out, GSA holder coins are beginning to carry a premium in the original holder.

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