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How do you attach pictures to text???

How do you attach pictures to text? I can't get the pictures out of my computer. When I press preview, only the text shows up. Will appreciate any help. Steve imageoooo


  • DanCDanC Posts: 1,189
    You need to place your image somewhere visible to the open internet. If you have a server, or personal server space that can be accessed with http://yadda-yadda... then you click the little picture thingy located on the buttons above the window (when you're posting) and just below the words "Message Text" - and paste that address in.

    It can't take the pic directly from your PC unless your PC is open and shared to the world (which isn't a particularly astute way to set it up) image That's the problem.

    PM me if you need additional clarification.
  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,214 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Steve.
    If the file 50KB or smaller you can use the attach file at the bottom of the reply window.
    Larger files will need to be stored on a web storage site.
    Turn on your PM and I will help if you would like.

  • DanCDanC Posts: 1,189
    hmmmm... I didn't know about the >50Kb thing.

    One learns something new daily. image

    Must be because mine are ALWAYS bigger than 50Kb
  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,214 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yea I wish bigger would work sometimes.
    It loads to the forum site so I see their problem.
    When you load to the forum you get one of these.
    I think you knew this.

  • route66route66 Posts: 474
    Thanks guys, I'll give it a try. Steve

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