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beckettsucks is a rip-off artist




    let me get this straight- you are SUING beckett because they kicked you off their private message board, most likely because you broke one of their rules? im sure you had to agree to some form of user etiquette contract. how old are you? 13? 14?

    BTW, exactly what are you "suing" them for? under what statute of american law are you suing them? if it is the COPPA (childrens online privacy protection act), Beckett, along with pretty much every other online message board, states a minimum age requirement to join. if you fraudulently joined by giving a fake age, they should sue you.

    youre already the laughingstock of these boards, dont become the laughing stock of the court system too >>

    Perhaps you should go back and read ALL my posts from this thread and then come back and comment.

    I broke no rules there, here or any other messagee board I belong to.

    I also stated that I am not the one building a case against Beckett and I believe I said I was not at liberty to discuss any of the details

  • sorry, daddy is working on the lawsuit for you.

    and yes, you did just break a rule. you called me a moron; that is a personal attack. ill probably just report it to the moderator as opposed to stooping down to your level and calling you names

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    let me get this straight- you are SUING beckett because they kicked you off their private message board, most likely because you broke one of their rules? im sure you had to agree to some form of user etiquette contract. how old are you? 13? 14?

    BTW, exactly what are you "suing" them for? under what statute of american law are you suing them? if it is the COPPA (childrens online privacy protection act), Beckett, along with pretty much every other online message board, states a minimum age requirement to join. if you fraudulently joined by giving a fake age, they should sue you.

    youre already the laughingstock of these boards, dont become the laughing stock of the court system too >>

    Perhaps you should go back and read ALL my posts from this thread and then come back and comment.

    I broke no rules there, here or any other messagee board I belong to.

    I also stated that I am not the one building a case against Beckett and I believe I said I was not at liberty to discuss any of the details

    Moron. >>


    Let's rephrase.

    You keep threatening Beckett's based on COPPA violations. This is based on messageboards having "swearing" etc. COPPA has to do with child PRIVACY. How was this violated by that rather amusing Matsui RC.

    And where did I swear?

  • << <i>


    Let's rephrase.

    You keep threatening Beckett's based on COPPA violations. This is based on messageboards having "swearing" etc. COPPA has to do with child PRIVACY. How was this violated by that rather amusing Matsui RC.

    And where did I swear? >>

    What part of I cannot comment did you not understand?

    As for the post here it is, there are actually a couple people who swear in that thread.

    Beckett post

  • What? Ass (another word for Donkey)?, Hell?

    I think your moron comment is worse.....
  • schr1stschr1st Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
    Um, that post was from Tuesday, and I don't see any swears in it.

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    Let's rephrase.

    You keep threatening Beckett's based on COPPA violations. This is based on messageboards having "swearing" etc. COPPA has to do with child PRIVACY. How was this violated by that rather amusing Matsui RC.

    And where did I swear? >>

    What part of I cannot comment did you not understand?

    As for the post here it is, there are actually a couple people who swear in that thread.

    Beckett post >>

    Who is Rober Maris?
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