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Presidential Review

dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭

Please explain how the new Presidential Review service works exactly, and wouldn't it violate PCGS's policies on conflict of interest if you are allowed to both review and change the grades on PCGS coins, or have any influence over the PCGS graders making changes to grades, and also sell them through your firm DHRC? thanks.



  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    Dragon...When a Presidential Review comes in, I'll show it to several graders and ask for a "silent" opinion. If two or more want to make a change, then a change is made. I do not have a vote in the process...and I don't express an opinion unless the graders specifically ask me for my opinion. I'm just the facilitator...and the person who fills out the review sheet explaining the grading room's thinking on the coin. I can not change the grade of a coin.

    Good question and I hope the answer clears up some of the mis-conceptions about the Presidential Review process.


    PS...DHRC does not use the Review Process...ever!!!!!!!!

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