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Can you order bags of coins from banks?

BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,379 ✭✭✭
For those of you out there that search bags and rolls of new coins, do you order them form the bank, can you get bags or are they only available in rolls? Second, what is the face value on bags of coins?
US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.


  • Just a suggestion, Call a major Bank, one that you have an account with and ask to speak to the "Vault"....
    In many case's , You can actually talk to a vault employee and thay will send sealed bags up to the teller's for pick-up.
    I use to drive my van down underneath the Bank and pick up several bags at a time, But I dont anymore.....
    Good Luck....
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  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most coins now are shipped in jumbo bags directly to the counting houses where they are
    rolled. These are often put into boxes of around 15 to 20 lbs. The boxes will be easier to
    obtain than most other forms other than indiuvidual rolls. You will need someone to help
    you get new coin unless you just run into them at the bank. The jumbo bags require heavy
    equipment to move. Most contain the same number of coins that a pallet used to.
    Tempus fugit.
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    Cladking it right, the mint now ships in Jumbo bags. For example the quarter bag holds 80,000 coins. That's $20,000 dollars and 1,000 pounds in weight. (other bags would be similar in weight.) I doubt if your bank would be willing to order a bag for you if it's going to take a forklift to get it off the truck. (Might be interesting though. Our shop is only a block from the bank, and we DO have a forklift! image )

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