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No "Ship With" Service????????

I received a call from a customer service rep on Friday telling me that because I sent in 5 invoices that I owe PSA an extra $83.00 in shipping fees, (Now that is $83.00 above the already calculated and paid for shipping fees). She told me that PSA does not have "Ship With" service anymore. That is news to me. Maybe I have been in the basement for too long but I find the shipping fees a little high. So I when back to my invoices this morning and tried to determine how could I have better consolidated my invoices in the future.

I have two seperate invoices for "Free Credit Vouchers" (one card per invoice). Now the grading is free but I have to pay $12.50 per invoice ($25.00 for two cards) hmmmmmmmmmmm

Now I sometimes will call some of my friends in the area and tell them that I am sending in some card to PSA and ask if they want to piggy back my invoice. I don't think I will be doing that anymore, I am going to get killed on the shipping.

So I guess my question is....When did PSA start doing this and has everyone been aware of the NO SHIP WITH service?


  • They have always screwed us on shipping!!!!

    Just a cost of doing business.
  • murcerfanmurcerfan Posts: 2,329 ✭✭
    I just went through this myself, only after being charged the extra, a few of the invoices were actually shipped together......I'm still waiting for my credit.
    When I asked Peter about combined shipping at the Fort he stated : "It is too confusing for us, We don't want to start losing expensive cards" I surmised that it was a heck of a lot "easier" to charge you more money.
    SGC has always combined invoices and shipping, as any reasonavble grading company should.
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    I may need to clarify something here...I am not trying to bash PSA or its policies. I was just stuned at the amont due. I must have missed when this policy was put in place or when it was starting to be enforced. It seems as if others are being confronted with this same issue. I was just wondering when this took affect.

    Now I must be more created with my submission invoices. Because the money I saved with putting some cards on an invoice for the CC special I lost in shipping fees. I should have just combined some of the 5 invoices. It would have been cheaper.

  • CARLOS that is not good news. i just sent in a large load under the football special.along with it i sent 3 invoices with vouchers.1 from tall boy service. 1 a ten day grade. and 3rd a reg 100 card lot 7 buck coupon. i was told to send them in this way by psa. i did state just just return with my main invoice #.so if i undertand your post right they will flag them and charge me 37.50 to ship them?.that would bug me more then cowboys beating the skins. well almost as much image.i sure hope that was a isolated instance.
  • murcerfanmurcerfan Posts: 2,329 ✭✭
    I was told " no way... no how, we never had any combined shipping on different 'service' levels".
    I had three orders sent together, grade together with consecutive cert #'s, have grades posted within 10 minutes, yet shipped separately (3 cards registry comps, 5 cards regular service and 8 cards tallboy). My Post Master asked why someone would spend (or charge thier customer) so much money on registered mail for 3 tiny little boxes, I was unable to answer that question.
  • I was unaware that PSA ever even had a "ship with" service. If I was them, I would not.
    The "one invoice -- one shipper" idea is the simple solution to aviod the kind of problem that you have been reading about over the last few weeks (Network 54 ???). It is the simple, low cost processing way to get cards back to their rightful owner.
    "Ship with" will lead to mistakes --- and heaven forbid they should ship somebodies $5K order to the wrong guy who will claim to have never received it. Can't imagine what would be said on the boards then.
    How about askng the postmaster why it costs $15 to send a 1 lb package "securely". The PSA charges just reflect the high cost of registered mail. I'm sure you spent a hefty amount to get your package there in the first place. Your right about the consolidation though. It is a must, especially if you deal in commons and "marginally" profitable deals.
    The only option I see to lower shipping charges is to change carriers or to go with another service all of which would be lower security. No one on this board would prefer insurance money to a high quality slabbed group at SMR.
    Just the chance of one case of "ship with" that ended up "ship without" is the best reason for the current policy.
    Wanted: Bell Brands FB and BB, Chiefs regionals especially those ugly milk cards, Coke caps, Topps and Fleer inserts and test issues from the 60's. 1981 FB Rack pack w/ Jan Stenerud on top.
  • MintstateMintstate Posts: 254 ✭✭
    I knew I had read it somewhere.

    Q: Can I send multiple invoices in the same box to PSA?
    A: Yes, you can send more than one invoice in a box and you can even write one check for all of the invoices. We ask that you look at the back of the invoice and note the shipping and insurance costs for each order. Each order must have its own shipping and insurance coverage for its return.

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    What I did was set my own Fed Ex account and they use my account. They also have always sent combined invoices in 1 shipment.

  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭

    Where did you find that Q&A?

  • Here's the link to that FAQ and answer:


    And look at the next question and answer on the list as well:

    Q: Can I pay one shipping fee to have all of my invoices returned to me at the same time? Will my invoices be returned to me all in one package?
    A: No. While you may submit multiple invoices in one shipping box, each invoice is handled dependently as it is received, graded, encapsulated, verified and shipped from our facility. Even if you submit multiple invoices through the same service type, each invoice is handled separately.

    John Vineyard

  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    I understand PSA's reasons for shipping cards via USPS and agree that they are valid. But. . .today the customer service is about choices and options. I really think PSA should offer customers the option of shipping their orders back via UPS and/or FedEx. While Registered Mail offers additional security, the rates for UPS or FedEx are often A LOT less than USPS.

    Until they do, I'm with Bob. . .using my company's FedEx acct and getting my cards sooner and cheaper.

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • crazysccrazysc Posts: 291
    You know, for the volume I was doing, I asked PSA to send my packages back FedEx ground. They agreed to give it a try last winter. TWO packages got "lost" out of the first 7 or 8 we sent. About $10-15K in product. Know what FedEx sent me? $100 + shipping costs for each of them, with a nice little note "sorry, under our terms are maximum coverage for this type of product is $100." Especially nice because I probably had $2500 in grading COSTS alone into the cards, not even counting the original cost raw, or the value after graded.

    I was very fortunate, both pacakges eventually were tracked down by FedEx and returned to me a few months later, but how many people want to go through that?

    I know from talking with my FedEx national rep with the volume we were doing through Shop At Home (sometimes 10,000+ packages/month), that they have about a 1-2% "incidence" rate - this means some sort of loss, damage, misplacement, etc. That doesn't sound like a lot, but ultimately it comes down to that if you send PSA one pacakge/month for 5 years, you've got a good chance of having one of them lost/damaged. I can promise you the rate on registered mail is a lot lower.
    Why do I get the feeling, that some cards are worth money, while others are not?
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Sol> I understand that. But ultimately I think PSA should allow their customers to choose. In many cases, I can ship UPS 2nd Day (insured) for the same or less than USPS Insured - and that's not even for Registered service. I would love to have the option to decide for myself if the additional security of USPS Registered Mail is worth the price premium.

    As for your specific example, I believe that FedEx Ground has different rules than does regular FedEx services. So while FedEx Ground may have been more restrictive on your claim, I think regular FedEx service would have been different. In my experience, FedEx Ground pretty much blows and the experience is very different from FedEx or UPS.

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
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