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PVC damage

Is there any way to repair PVC damage (very very light) ? PCGS BB my coin with this problem. Thanks.image


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    CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely. I sent in a PVC coin to NCS recently and they did a great job with it. PVC is dissolved quite well by acetone without damaging the coin. Unless the PVC is thick they should be able to remove most of it. I was able to get my coin into a NGC 55 holder after the bath & you have to look really hard to see where it was before (there was one spot where it was thicker and they couldn't quite get all of it - still hard to see tho). If it's a cheap coin buy the acetone yourself at a hardware stuff and go for it!
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    Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    Remove the green slime, yes. Repair the damageif it has been there too long, NO. The plasticizer that leaches out of the PVC is clear and it is harmless. Once it starts absorbing the HCl that is outgassed by the plastic and the water vapor from the air it creates Hydrochloric acid which the oil keeps in contact with the coin. The acid starts to corrode the coin andthe green color that the slime turns comes from the copper in the alloy. When it reacts with the acid it forms Copper Chloride which is green in color. The darker green the slime is the more etching of the surface has occured and once the surface is etched it can't be repaired.

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