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Check this Monster Merc out I got today!

goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
It's in an ANACS MS65FSB holder. VERY VERY pretty. My pics make it look dull but it has quite a bit of luster.
The obv. has a crecent of blue around the date and then goes into a reddish orange over the entire obv.
The rev is almost circled around the edge with tinges of blue and then reddish orange and then almost a yellow.
I don't do mercs but this caught my eye at the local shop. I picked it up expecting it to be white on the rev. I think I'll wait til the sun comes out and get some nice accurate pics and then list her on ebay. Whatcha think???I know where there are 2 more almost IDENTICAL!
in 66FSB!image
The pic really accented that light print too. Lots of luster in the flesh!!!



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