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Trading coins – suggestions?

jmcu12jmcu12 Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭
I have several different types of coins, some Frankies, a 2 ½ gold, and assorted slabbed, and raw coins. I am looking to trade for a single, possibly two, higher grade Morgans. Morgans is where I have concentrated my collecting.

Given this, and when approaching a dealer, whether at his/her shop or at a show, how should I introduce the subject of trading my coins for theirs? I understand and agree that the dealer has to turn a profit, however; how do I assure that the deal is the best one that I can make for myself?

Are there any metrics that I can go by?
Are there any subjects I should avoid?
What can I expect, on the whole, from them?
Awarded latest "YOU SUCK!": June 11, 2014


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