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Phillipines Type Set Albums

I also remember a couple of Board members who indicated an interest in getting a Whitman Classic Phillipines Type Set Album. I can get a hold of 1 if anyone is still wants one.



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    baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭

    How much are they? I'd like to get one too. The early 1900's Peso's are outstanding. I've got a couple to add, here's one:


    Not a beautiful design, but a pretty coin nonetheless.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
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    It's yours but I have to check with a local shop who actually has the album for the price. I'll PM you tomorrow with the info.

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    NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    baccaruda...........COOL COIN!
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    If there are more than one I would like one. We don't have any wild toned ones like the above, but my wife has some decent ones and would appreciate an album for them. Thanks for asking!
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    DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Wild color Baccaruda. I like this design too.

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    baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Don - that design is great. I'm trying to find 190x Peso in mint state - they can get expensive. They really have some beautiful designs. They also come chopmarked too which adds to the intrigue. I don't prefer McArthur's mug over any of the symbolic designs, but I couldn't pass up that color.

    Thanks Ed.

    Michael - Give that album to Carl. All my other albums are Danscos and I'm a bit anal about presentation. thanks for the offer though.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!

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