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Any collector generous enough !!!!!!

I am working hard to complete my USA set, if anyone have old USA coins and is generous enough to let the coin move from his collection to my collection. Please let me know. I am very interested in putting up the USA type set but don't get older ones to complete it.



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    Oh that reminds me I'm putting together a complete set of early gold, anyone who has some spare half eagles or whatever lying around, if you could send those to me that would be great, yeah.. thanks.
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    Hey, give Nanda a break. He's from India and doesn't come across USA coins that often. I sent him a couple a while back. Think of it as an exchange, he offered me rupies.

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    What do you need?
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    I managed to collect mostly all coins from 20th century with the help of fellow collector's in this forum. I still need coin of 19th century and before. Also barber coins.
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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    Nanda, just ignore BarberHalf. He is a troll.
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    Nanda, PM me with your address and I will send you some coins.

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    PM sent ....... Thanks Dan
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    Well that's cool I had a classmate from India who gave me some nice rupees.
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    Can i know what BarberHalf have done over here..... Should i be cautious from him.
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    Can anyone help me by giving the list of USA type coins before 1900's or tell me about a site where i can get information about. I have a list but have to confirm if i correct.

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