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Our first Uncirc Indian Head Cent

We have to use Heritage's pic, since, well we just won it, and we don't have a Dig Cam yet, I copied the pic before we actually won it, just so we could look at it with, yea kinda silly but hey.

We have been holding off on picking up one until we could find a nice Red or Red/Brown one to fit our budget. However after we both saw this one we fell in love with it, we have been eyeing it for the last week. And decided just because it's brown doesn't mean it won't be loved here. Hope it looks just as good in person to us, as it does in the pic, we're keeping our fingers crossed.image

I know there is a blur under the eye and a little near the liberty, I'm just a little nervous about near the diamonds. Wish I would have saved the reverse pic as well. Any ways here it is.

What do you guys honestly think, good, O.K., or bad.

Ron and Trish

1898 IHC NGC MS64 Brown


  • what did you get it for?
    Retail coin dealers, the only people who can buy a $10 coin for $2, and sell it for $30.
  • CaptainRonCaptainRon Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Because all of our other IHC's are circulated, and we just wanted one nice one to go with the set. (Which is not complete yet.)
  • CaptainRonCaptainRon Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    After rereading your question, I may have answered wrong. If you ment for how much did I get it for, well, probably to much. But it's not to expensive of a mistake, if it turns out to be one.
  • ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    I think it looks pretty good. Nice looking mix of Brown/Rust/Burgandy/ and looks like some Purple on the rim below the date. Maybe it`s just the way the light hits it that makes it look Purple. Looks like it has some decent details. I think you`ll be happy with it.
  • toyonakatarotoyonakataro Posts: 407 ✭✭✭
    I agree with ccr.
    I guess it will look nice in person..congrats!
  • shylockshylock Posts: 4,288 ✭✭✭
    Ron - I have a hard enough time judging red copper from their pics, forget about browns. But I can tell it's not your standard BN as far as the color goes. Looks like it originally toned deep red and only some of it has since mellowed to brown, giving it the potential to be very eye appealing for the grade. But it's impossible to tell how much luster remains, if there are any distracting problems, etc... You'll be the first to know! The blur under the eye and by Liberty that you mentioned is some of that underlying toning showing through.

    I can understand how this coin caught your eye, especially if you've been looking at a lot of BN Indian cent images.
  • I have an absolutely stunning 1906 IHC that I can not find but one little mark on but its brown. I wonder if it would be worth having it slabbed? Will bring it in with me tomorrow and scan a pic of it..

    I am the coin man give me your coins!!! You can find me on the web soon at

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