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morgan just graded by pcgs

the image barely does justice to the coin

in person sight seen this coin is a dmpl strong cameo obverse
and a pl reverse
and is to me a nice ms 64

pcgs ms63 PL 1894-s

again the mirrors do now show well in this scan nor the heavy cameo on the obverse

sincerely michael


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    Your image shows a likely MS63 coin that may be prooflike IMHO.

    Nice enough strike but enough hits/marks to be solid 63
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    i guess it is hard to judge coins from scans and this image doesnot show the mirrors at all

    sincerely michael
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    after looking at the scan it could go either way but if you saw this coin sight seen in person it is much better

    sincerely michael

    now usually people make the scans better than the coin in person...........lol
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    I've learned over the last several years how to read scans, knowing what they exaggerate and what they don't show. That is a very nice coin, and very solid for a 63. And that is a date I am currently in the hunt for, but I have been very picky. If I saw that coin for sale online, I would grab it.
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    morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    64 easily, PL easily. A very nice coin and a very tough date. Not quite as nice as the stuff you link us to which you don't own, but a very nice coin. Be proud to own it whatever PCGS says.
    I collect circulated U.S. silver
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    Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,875 ✭✭✭
    If the ticks by star r123 and on the face are really minor then I have no problem with it as a 64. It is nice & frosty and I don't see any water & dip spots. Decent strike too.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
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    Hand up for michael!!
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    coinkatcoinkat Posts: 22,894 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice strike and great lustre... worthy of MS64 consideration.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

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    nice strike, no dought ms 64
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    thanks for all the great responses guys!

    the scan is really deceiving on this coin as it is a cameo dmpl obverse and a pl reverse and the marks are really maginfyed in the scan and some are not even there on the coin in person as pictured on the scan? that is kind of strange

    but i guess that is why sight seen in person is always the best as even currently with all the technology we have nothing is better than the trained human eye when looking at coins

    sincerely michael

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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭
    that coin's been dipped

    K S
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    I can't see the mirrors on that image, but that is a damn nice '94-S, and from that image, I can't see how anyone could argue it is anything less than a solid MS64.

    Dipped or not, that is a nice looking relatively unscathed specimen. How much definition is in the "toes"? Can you see the definition in both claws?
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    gilbert the toes i think they are all there fully i never really specifically looked and i will do that tomorrow! thanks i will get back to you on that thanks for that information let me ask you gilbert is that a good area to chack for the strike? on the reverse

    yes a no brainer dipped coin..................

    looks like it was fresh off the die
    and with the flash and blast of a newly minted coin
    and no haze
    no spots
    no stains
    and in person really exceptional eye appeal
    and the lustre is not impeaded at all it is still as fresh as the day it was minted

    so for me an ms morgan dollar as long as it has these above great attributes then i do not mind that dipping thing

    but unfortunately 90% of the dipped morgans do not come out like this coin!
    nor look like this coin
    or with great eye appeal

    i think that is the crux of the matter

    sincerely michael
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    I love it. I wish I could see it in person. I love a white pl or dmpl better than a rainbow toned coin! image
    In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.

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