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Maybe there's hope for California's quarter design

Are we allowed to talk about state quarters? image

I'm not a state quarter collector since most of the designs have been disappointing to me, but as a Californian I'm curious about the design of our future state quarter. I just saw one of the California finalist designs on page 2 in the June 16th CW and I really like it. It has all of the design elements that I like:

1. One theme (i.e. not a bunch of different images crammed into every space).
2. An interesting image (Yomesite Valley) that draws you into the picture.
3. No state outline!

My favorite is still Rhode Island. But maybe there's hope for California's design.


  • Yosemite is undoubtly one of California's greatest atributes and would be a great choice as a theme for the CA state quarter.

  • jomjom Posts: 3,437 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are actually considering the Yosemite! YAY!!!! I thought for sure we'd get stuck will some ordinary crap like the Golden Gate <yawn>

  • I think of both Silicon Valley and Hollywood when thinking of major things in California. Unfortunately, neither would be that great of a coin design.
    Retail coin dealers, the only people who can buy a $10 coin for $2, and sell it for $30.
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    It doesn't matter what the finalist designs look like. After they have to give a written description of them (no pictures) to the mint engravers who knows what they will come back looking like. Until they actually let the competition winners actually BE the designs I've pretty much written off the state quarter program. the designs are going to be whatever the mint decides they are going to be so why fuss with it.
  • I like all the designs with sail boats. Rhode Island is great IMO.

    (Congrats on selling out the 1'st printing of your book Condor!)
  • This is a nice site for state quarters.

  • I thought the California design with the sun and waves was cool!image
  • I like the miner and bear design.
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
  • The Miner and Bear design is the only design that makes sense!image

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