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eBay message scam alert

I got a message on the e-mail, and decided to turn it in to eBay for verification.

Users beware, message below and response;

Subj: eBay Security Request
Date: 6/9/03 7:11:03 AM Central Daylight Time
From: aw-confirm@ebay.com
To: (me, identity removed due to paranoid thoughts)

Dear eBay User,

During our regular update and verification of the accounts, we could not verify your current information. Either your information has changed or it is incomplete.
As a result, your access to bid or buy on eBay has been restricted. To start using your eBay account again, please update and verify your information by clicking the link below :


Thank you very much for your cooperation!

eBay Customer Support

Remember: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, social security number, etc.)
in an email.

Copyright 1995 - 2003 eBay Inc. All rights reserved. Designated
trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
Return-Path: <www@host3.christianwebhost.com>
Received: from rly-xk02.mx.aol.com (rly-xk02.mail.aol.com []) by air-xk01.mail.aol.com (v93.13) with ESMTP id MAILINXK13-4f363ee479573e1; Mon, 09 Jun 2003 08:11:03 -0400
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Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 08:10:52 -0400
Message-Id: <200306091210.h59CAqk28717@host3.christianwebhost.com>
Subject: eBay Security Request
From: aw-confirm@ebay.com

Ebay response from Safe Harbor received tonight;

Subj: RE: SP91011 your recent report to eBay's Trust and Safety Department (KMM81096341V63311L0KM)
Date: 6/10/03 11:43:18 AM Central Daylight Time
From: cswebhelp@ebay.com (eBay Customer Support)
Reply-to: cswebhelp@ebay.com (eBay Customer Support)
To: (me, ID removed to make me feel better)


Thank you for writing regarding the email you received.

The message you received was not sent by eBay nor was it endorsed by us
in any way. By altering the reply-to address for this email, this
message may appear to have come from an eBay email address, when it
actually came from an external email address. This also means that
hitting the reply to button will send the message to the altered email
address in the reply to field. This process is commonly referred to as

Please rest assured that your account standing has not changed and that
your auctions have not been affected. We are currently investigating the
source of the email. Although we are unable to provide specific
information regarding the result of our investigation, let me assure you
that eBay does take these matters seriously. The Web site this email
directed members to has been removed from the internet.

Please remember that eBay will never ask you for your private
information, including credit card information or password, in an email.
Also, eBay will never send you any request or solicitation from a
non-eBay email account, or provide a link outside of eBay for entering
credit card or other private information. If you ever need to give us
information, it is suggested that you go to the main website and follow
links there to the site map or any other place you may need to give
information. That way you are certain you are giving your information
to us and not a third party.

If you entered personal information such as your password, social
security number or credit card numbers into a Web site based on a
request from a spoofed email, you need to take immediate action to
protect your identity. We have developed an eBay Help page with valuable
information regarding the steps you should take to protect yourself.

Click here to go directly to the Help page:


or, to get to the "Protecting Your Identity" Help page from the eBay
site, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Go to the eBay site and click on the Help tab at the top of any eBay
2. Under the "Topics" tab, click on "Safe Trading," which will open a
list of sub categories
3. Click on, "If Something Goes Wrong"
4. Click on "Protecting Your Identity" and review the information

In the future if you receive a similar email, do not respond to it, and
visit the following link:


Here you will be given the steps to take when reporting spam messages to

We believe that some members are receiving these messages because they
are using or have used their email address for their user ID. We
recommend that all members have a user ID. If your user ID is currently
your email address you may change it by following the instructions

* Click on the site map link located at the top of any eBay page
* Scroll through the 'Services' section
* Click on 'Change my User ID' and follow the instructions on that page

All of your account information will be linked to the new ID including
your feedback profile. Additionally, you will have a Changed ID icon
next to your new ID for 30 days to alert members to the change.

More information about account security can be found at the following


We apologize for any confusion this message may have created for you and
we appreciate your efforts in helping keep eBay a safe trading place.


eBay SafeHarbor
Investigations Team

A word to the wise is sufficient.
Every day is a gift.


  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    If you ever see a line like this in an email.

    please update and verify your information by clicking the link below :

    You can be just about 100% sure it is a scam looking to steal your info.

    A second thin that really tips it off that it is fake is that it contains both the previous referenced line AND

    Remember: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, social security number, etc.)

    Hello? Didn't this email just DO that?

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